Mytrhi [GBC – Cancelled]

Mytrhi [GBC – Cancelled]


Mythri was an upcoming American-developed, Japanese-style RPG for the Game Boy Advance. Originally for the Game Boy Color, development switched gears after the GBA was released. The game has been in development by Team XKalibur since around 2000

Message from Keith Martineau, Co-Owner of Team XKalibur: “Mythri was officially cancelled at the end of 2005. Team XKalibur has been disbanded, due to lack of resources. Most of our team is now scattered across the games industry working for various companies. Co-Owner Tomm Hulett and myself may one day make a new studio and attempt Mythri again, having learned many lessons from our first attempt at launching an independent games studio. So hopefully everyone who supported us in the early going will get to experience Mythri someday.” [info from Wikipedia]

For more info you can check this interesting ToastyFrog article: The (Almost) Making of Mythri

A playable prototype of the game was released online by a former member of the team in September 2016.

Thanks to Mr.Elephant for the contribution!



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11 thoughts on “Mytrhi [GBC – Cancelled]

  1. MrElephant


    Tomm has released the game to the public now. Before you play the game please take some time to open the readme, and look through the documentation. There is a lot of cool information about the game including artwork, builds, in game information, and other facts.

    Second, before everyone asks how to play the gb version, please read the documentation.

    Now, here is the link that Tomm provided. Thanks and enjoy.

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