The original Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble was an action / puzzle game published and developed by Nintendo for the Game Boy Color. It was first released in Japan on August 23, 2000 and in North America on April 11, 2001. The game uses a series of accelerometers to control Kirby: the goal of the game is to guide Kirby to the level’s goal within the allotted time by physically tilting the Game Boy in the direction in which the player wishes to move him. The game revolves around the collection of the numerous stars strewn about the levels. To beat the game entirely, one must collect each level’s secret star. [Info from Wikipedia]
At the Spaceworld 2001 a sequel was announced for the GameCube: with the help of the GBA as an alternative PAD and a special GBA cart with Motion Sensors, it was possible to play the game as the original GameBoy Color version.. something like the Kororinpa games for the Wii. In 2002 the development of Koro Koro Kirby 2 was changed, Nintendo removed Kirby from the game, and it became Roll-O-Rama: it was essentially the same project, but without the Kirby mascot. After some years of development, Roll-o-Rama just vanished and the project was quietly cancelled.
[spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]L’idea alla base di Koro Koro Kirby era quantomeno intrigante, in quanto fu una sorta di anticipazione del pad del Wii. Tramite il collegamento GC/GBA Nintendo riuscì ad ideare un modo per muovere in maniera precisa, realistica e coinvolgente il piano sul quale rotolava la pallina rosa: attraverso un sensore da inserire nello spazio per le cartucce del GBA la piccola console Nintendo era infatti capace di rilevare qualunque inclinazione gli venisse impartita. Purtroppo, nonostante l’ottimo feedback ricevuto durante le varie fiere, il gioco venne accantonato e non raggiunse mai gli scaffali dei negozi, probabilmente anche a causa della scarsa diffusione del collegamento GC/GBA.
L’originale Koro Koro Kirby è uscito, sia negli Stati Uniti che in Giappone, in una versione pensata unicamente per Game Boy Color. Il gioco vendette circa 800.000 copie nel sol suolo del Sol Levante, quindi rappresentò un ottimo successo per Nintendo. Entrambi i Koro Koro Kirby erano in sviluppo presso il team interno R&D2. [/spoiler]
You can find more about the Kirby series in the WiKirby!
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