Another NP scan with some more info about the 007 Goldeneye game for the Super Nintendo, that was in development at RARE. Probably it was just an early concept and the project was soon ported to the Nintendo Ultra 64. Click on it for a bigger version.
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Mission: Impossible was planned for the SNES, too. (Some concept art was published in a later magazine preview for the N64 game.) It must be a secret agent thing…
When Nintendo aske Rare if they wanted to do a game based on the film, they initally were’nt that keen, as they were keen to develop their own I.P, but Nintendo pressed them to do it…
It started out as an on-rails shooter until Rare they figured out a control system that worked…..
There’s also a post-mortem video of Goldeneye 007 in which Martin Hollis share his memories on the project, it’s super interesting :D
Electronic Games 1995-03 also had it annouced as a SNES title