Chentzilla has gave us some interesting informations about The Lost, a cancelled action-adventure / survival horror that was in development for XBOX, PS2 and PC. It seems that the game is not really vanished: in March 2008 it was reported that all development and rights to The Lost was acquired by FXLabs, who later released the game for Windows PCs in India under the title Agni: Queen of Darkness. Agni is thought to feature redone art but keeps The Lost basic plot and gameplay elements intact. A cancelled game is not cancelled anymore: the dream of every beta-geek.
There seems to be just few media about Agni, like this weird music video with scenes from the game:
You can see that there are some similarities with the original trailer for The Lost:
You can find more informations about Agni at FXlabs official website: (it’s even possible to buy and download the game for cheap) or you can check more screens, videos and informations about The Lost in our archive page. It’s nice to see that for once, a cancelled game finds again it’s way to the market.. now, i wonder if it’s a good game.
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