At GDC 2008 Naughty Dog showed an interesting video about the development of Uncharted, (aka Project Big) with some footage from beta-test levels and a different character design for Nathan “Nate” Drake. Even Elena Fisher underwent changes during development: in the early version the character had dark brown hair, but in the final version the color changed to blonde and the face was altered.
Thanks to trainer15side and Juanan for the contributions!
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but that’s not all from beta stuff from UNCHARTED … look at the first trailer shown at E3 2006 :
Thanks for the video trainer15side, i’m going to add it in the post! Do you have a list of the differences from this 2006 trailer? i did not play the final game yet :(
Also here
Inside the zip there are two pics named UnchartedDrakesFortune – chase_04.jpg and UnchartedDrakesFortune – chase_05.jpg where your female companion is not blonde as in the final game.
Maybe also the other pics contain beta stuff, but i don’t recognize anything special :)
Thanks for the screens! I will add them to the gallery ASAP (this could mean a day or a year :P )
Early press from when game was still untitled sent.
Funny enough i have 4 builds of this game, a E3 build, Internal build, Preview build and the 4th i dont remember which it was. Most i can provide is footage and that sort of stuff but sadly i cant reshare those builds due to not having any sort of permission to do so and got told not to do it at any cost.
if you can record footage of those builds it would be great! Feel free to post links here in the comments or send us an email to [email protected] :)
I would like to see that footage from that 4 bulds, especially if one of those is the one from the E3 2006 trailer or something closer to that, when the game was first shown without a title jet… and many gamplay mechanics from that first trailer, would not be in the final game…until the 2nd and 3rd game..