Equinox, also known as Solstice II, is an isometric 3D action / puzzle game developed by Software Creations and published by Sony Imagesoft in 1994 for the Super Nintendo. In some early beta screens (1991?) published in EGM issue 27, we can notice that the sprite of the protagonist was completely different from the one in the final version.
Final Game:
Thanks to Celine for the contribution!
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Yep, Equinox was one of the most delayed snes games (I think only Nosferatu was more delayed).
Do you know if there are some beta screens available for Nosferatu, that show differences from the final version?
I’ve read an early article ( ’92 or maybe ’93 ) about Nosferatu but I haven’t see any difference with the final version.
It’s interesting to see how the beta looks like.
Because the result of the final game is completely isometric!
In the beta, we have simpler ‘bird-view’. Maybe it was a way to plan the some isometric maps of the game?