Conan is a cancelled action game that was in development in 2006 by Planet Moon Studios for the PSP. There are not many info available on the project, it seems that they created a playable prototype to show to various publishers, but in the end they did not find one interested in the game. The development of Conan was stopped and only few screens remain in the gallery below, to preserve its existence.
Thanks to Mytia for the contribution!
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It wasn’t that we didn’t have a buyer. The development was fully funded by The publisher- THQ. And the demo was actually well received.
when they pulled the plug, we were told that they didnt want to muddy the waters with the Console version of Conan being developed by Nihilistic – but you’d need to ask the original team at THQ (now defunct) for specifics.
You were a developer of this cancelled game? Do you remember what was the plot of the game, if it was base on the original Conan of the 1982, his sequel Conan the Destroyer of the 1984/ or the original stories written by Robert Ervin Howard in the ’30s? What were the bosses that were supposed to be included in this game?