Ragnarok is a cancelled RPG that was in development in 1994 by Imagitec Design for the original Gameboy. This project should not be confused with the Ragnarok Online MMORPG created by GRAVITY, but it’s possible that the scenario of the GameBoy title could have been related to “King’s Table: Legend of Ragnarok”, a fantasy chess game developed by Imagitec for PC in 1993. Only a single screenshot of Ragnarok GameBoy was published in Total Issue magazine 25, but the game was never released.
Thanks to Pentarou Zero for uploading the scan and to Whitestrider for the link!
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Shaun McClure has confirmed he converted the graphics for planned Dreamcast and Playstation versions of this, from the PC version. .but thinks sales of said PC version were so poor..console versions were canned.
So..MegaDrive and Gameboy versions annouced, Playstation and Dreamcast versions planned.
Chalk up yet another Imagitec Design moment.
Even ex-Imagitec staff admit Martin Hooley could pull off amazing presentations and sales pitches and loved to show the press lots of concept art , models etc, but lack of funds, game design and changes in direction were commonplace as well as internal fireworks.
No wonder so many titles never made it.
And you can add the Atari ST version to announced but never arrived.
Although this versions reasons why do make sense.
ST games market was in rapid decline, so it made sense to kill it.
Amiga version pulled in an average score of 73% from Gamesmaster Magazine, review saying you’d be better off getting an actual board game version of a King’s Table, as this was expensive for what it was.