System Shock 2 [Dreamcast – Cancelled]

System Shock 2 [Dreamcast – Cancelled]

System Shock 2 its a FPS originally released in 1999 for PC developed by Irrational Games and Looking Glass Studios and published by Electronic Arts, in may 2000, a week after Looking Glass Studios closed doors, Vatical Entertainment announced a dreamcast port for a end year release, the port was being made by Marina Games, and they missed the release date, in 2001 Vatical said that the port was still in development, but no release date was given, in the end the game was cancelled, and Marina Games closed without a game made or ported, the possibly reason was SEGA decision to exit the console market.

In april 2010 gamer_s from dreamcast-talk forum found in his devkit, a System Shock 2 and Thief 2 folders, while System Shock 2 could be bootable, Thief 2 was in very early stages and lacked many of necessary dreamcast files, the devkit was from a Eidos employee, in 9th september, to celebrate the 11th anniversary of dreamcast in USA, gamer_s released the files, they can be downloaded in this link

Sadly the port was at beginnig of development too, loadings are very long (about 5 minutes or more), slow framerate, no HUD and you cannot open doors.

Thanks to Vicente for the contribution!


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