Covert W.A.R.S. [PSX PC – Cancelled?]

Covert W.A.R.S. seems to be a 3D action game with a strong multiplayer component, that was planned for PC and Playstation. Very little is known about it outside of a video shown around E3 ’97 so we can speculate that the project was later cancelled, but let us know if you have any additional information!


In EGM special issue “Guide to E3 ’97” it was mentioned Playmates as publisher. From an old news on Gamespot ( ) we can learn that the title was in development by Black Ops and production was halted in early ’98.




Saffire [GBC – Cancelled]

Saffire is a cancelled action adventure that was in development by Saffire (yes, the company used its same name to call their project) for the GameBoy Color. This version was going to be one chapter of the Saffire epic series, that was meant to be published for the Nintendo Dolphin (aka the GameCube) and the GameBoy Advance too. On IGN we can read part of the planned story:

The basic storyline of Saffire revolves around ancient Grecian myth. As the tale goes, in ancient times the god Zeus saw that the other gods were carelessly destroying the planet. To end this, he decided to seal off all of his enemies into the underworld, whereupon he himself swore never to return to the Earth. Centuries later, in modern times, a group of archeologists accidentally stumble upon the dangerous seals and open them, letting loose all the destructive gods of ancient past. Zeus watches from afar, but ironically, because he swore never to return, cannot do anything to stop the madness. Zeus enlists the help of teenage gods to put an end to the chaos engulfing the planet.

Saffire was one of the first development studios that started to create game concepts for the new Nintendo’s “128 bit” console, and they shown some famous tech demos as Saffire (Young Olympians) and Saffire Shooter. This GBC game was never finished for unknown reasons, but at least Dolphin’s Saffire evolved into Barbarian after some development issues. Saffire Corporation released their last title, Van Helsing, in 2004 (for the PS2, XBOX and GBA) and went out of business sometime afterwards.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Freedom Fighters [Beta – PS2 XBOX GC PC]

Freedom Fighters its a third person shooter released for PlayStation 2, Xbox, Gamecube and PC, developed by Io Interactive and published by Electronic Arts, the game was announced in e3 2002 as Freedom: The Battle For Liberty Island and few changes have made. Diferrent HUD, there was a person detector, AK 47 used to have a bayonet, and Chris snow outfit was being used since the game beginning, the dot was yellow and huge and would turn red on enemies.

Thanks to Vicente for the contribution!





in 2003 Chris outfit was changed to his plumber outfit for the first levels and the HUD was almost complete, the ak 47 with bayonet still there and health packs used a different icon.



Troy was equipped with an ak 47


Months before the game release, a demo was made available for PC and PS2, that contains the Post Office level.

In final version you can only complete this level when you blow up up the sniper post with a c4 earned in Police Station, then go back to Police Station and save Isabella to be allowed to continue, but she and the kid does not appear in the demo, nor even the freedom fighters from the building and Troy in Post Office.


Ni no Kuni [DS – Beta]

Ni no Kuni​ is a RPG developed by Level-5 in collaboration with Studio Ghibli, released for the DS in december 2010. As we can read in Wikipedia, Ni no Kuni was first announced in the Japanese publication Famitsu in September 2008, while the development on the animation aspects of the game had begun in July 2008. In those 2 years,the game evolved a lot and Megalol was able to notice various differences between the beta (screens on the left)  and the final version (screens on the right). Check the gallery below for a comparison! Can you find all the differences? The beta world map is especially interesting.


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater [Beta – Playstation]

This is the beta for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. There were very big differences from the beta to the final game. Some levels are heavily edited from their final versions, and some levels didn’t make it at all. In the character select screen, the characters (save for Bucky Lasek) are very unchanged from their final versions. Chad Muska is used as placeholder for some of the characters.

The School is the first level in the beta. There are some differences, like the fact that the rooftop is blocked by fans, and that the pool area is also very changed. Instead of collecting 1 secret tape for each level, there are multiple secret tapes to be found in each level. The “Bonus 500” and the “Bonus 200” point symbols are now just plain rings.

Thanks to Christopher Mauro for the contribution!

Some more details about the early prototype version of Tony Hawks were shared with us by Teetha Mundo:

“Based on the information from the source, a forum post from 1998, these screenshots are from a Pre-Tony build, or a build that was shown to Tony Hawk.

This build features one of the first original skateboarders in the game, being built a month or two after the Apocalypse-Build.  There’s actually a hologram of Bruce Willis in one of the levels, it’s the same model from the Apocalypse game.  In some of the screenshots you can see early versions of existing levels or even levels that didn’t make it to the final release. The skater and skateboard model still exists in the games files up to Tony Hawk‘s Pro Skater 2.”

Here is footage of some levels that didn’t make it:

Downhill: This level didn’t make the final cut because it looked too similar to a level in the arcade game, “Top Skater”.

Classic Concrete: This level didn’t make it because it was just a physics test, to see how the skater model reacted to terrain like grass, dirt, etc.

Suburbia: It’s unclear why this level didn’t make it. Some say that it was an early version of the San Francisco level, And I definitely see similarities. But for the most part, it doesn’t look anything like it.

Freeway: This was probably taken out because it was boring and didn’t have many things to trick off of. I think some of the level was used in the second level of Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX, like the grindable steel girder and the porta-potties.

Chris also recorded many videos from beta and test levels:

Recently rewatched the didyouknowgaming video about the tony hawk pro skater series and they really skimmed over a lot of the content that was cut. Such things like the (inaccessible) test level, freeway map, downhill map and more. I decided to play the betas myself and see what I could do to try and get into the test level without a cheat device. Well I succeeded. I took the betas, mixed certain build files together and rebuilt the rom (and can play it on hardware as of yesterday so yay for this) and realized I had forced the test level to be a selectable stage.

Heres the levels (excluding Suburbia) that I recorded for Tony Hawk’s beta. The title says “MIXED BETA” because it’s not the original build. The 2 betas that are online I mixed together in some ways so it’s not truly the original rom, but all the stages are in tact and all stages are from the original builds (again except Suburbia which was overwritten by the test level).





