Powerslave 2 (Exhumed 2) [Cancelled – Playstation, PC]

Powerslave 2 (AKA Exhumed 2) is a cancelled game that was in  development for playstation and PC, set in ancient Egypt, thousands of years before the original title. At the start of  Powerslave 2, Ra ( the sun god)  disappears causing a permanent solar eclipse on the land. It turns out that he has been abducted by one of his arch-rivals, and its your duty to rescue him and return light to the world. As a young egyptian warrior you must seek out various egyptian gods and attempt to gain their super natural powers, in order to ultimately challenge and defeat Ra’s rival.

Contrary to the first Powerslave (a FPS) the sequel was meant to be a third person action game, even less linear than the first episode. Developed by original creator Lobotomy Software, the game was probably cancelled when the studios was acquired by Crave Entertainment in early 1998.

Images from GameFan 5-10


Shade: Wrath of Angels [Beta – PC / Xbox]

Shade: Wrath of Angels is an action game for the PC and Xbox, developed by Black Element Software and published in 2004 by Cenega. Shade: Wrath of Angels’s working title was Nefandus and development Started in 1997 as isometric shooter based on Quake2 engine. The project was to be released by freeware, but distributors got attenttion, orginal concept was changed to 3rd person shooter with new storyline and title changed to Shade: Wrath of Angels. Game was finished in 2003, but developers didn’t fell they could succeed with the game concept and development started once again as hack’n’slash action with free moving camera, 1st person view and 2nd playable character the Servant, Mequon physics and DirectX 9 features added, story was brand new and final game released fall 2004 had nothing to do with previos version. Final game was to be ported to orginal Xbox and Nokia Ngage phone, but that never happened.

Final game was about saving main characters brother trough present, medieval, Egypt and Shadowland, but that has nothing to do with previous builds.

Post by Xerxesmv


Videos (Beta Version):

Videos (final version):

Tales of Legendia [Unreleased for the GameCube]

The “Tales” series is very popular in Japan and other countries in the world. There is lots of versions from many consoles, such as Playstation, Gamecube. However, there is a version that never have been released for Gamecube. It is supposed to be a sequel of Tales of Symphonia. Here is a scanned picture from a Brazilian Magazine called “Nintendo World”, which talks about it.


-Scan taken on the Issue 66, February 2004, from Nintendo World, page 13.-

Translation by joaowojcikiewicz and help with some old grammar errors by KooPako:

“Sequel to Symphonia (Tales of Symphonia – GC)

RPG to Gamecube will have a sequel

Namco doesn’t stop. Just after releasing Tales of Symphonia, elected as Gamecube’s best RPG of 2003 by specialized game sites, Namco announces it’s sequel. Tales of Legendia will be the sequel of Symphonia, its plot takes place years after the events of the original game ( symphonia ). the game will also feature a Multi-Linear Battle system. (a mix of elements of RPGs and fighting games in battles), with 3D simulated graphics. Namco also revealed that the game will have connection with the new game of Tales which is being developed to GBA. More information in the next issues.”

NOTE: The magazine never came with more news about Tales of Legendia in the next issues.

The game would also connect with Game Boy Advance. Connecting with an another “Tales” game that was not announced on this article. It could probably have E-cards with special items for the game, or use the Game Boy Link to play Multiplayer or something.

There is no other informations about this game.

In the day August 25, 2005, Tales of Legendia was released for Playstation 2.

Thanks to gabrielwoj for making the article, joaowojcikiewicz (for translating the Portuguese article) and KooPako (for helping with grammar) for the contributors! 

[U64 Italian Podcast] Episodio 1.8: Perfect Dark 64 Beta


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: Episodio 1.8 – Perfect Dark 64 Beta [61:41] Dopo più di 2 anni di silenzio, lo staff di Unseen 64 ha trovato il coraggio (e il tempo) per registrare una nuova podcast, dedicata alla beta di Perfect Dark. In questo episodio mono, yota, blek, reno, infrid e tyrian3 (di www.gamescollection.it) parleranno per un’ora del secondo FPS sviluppato da Rare per Nintendo 64, sui motivi dell’abbandono della licenza di James Bond, l’odio per Elvis, spunti sul remake per Xbox Live Arcade, l’amore di Blek per il signor Carrington, gli enigmi random dell’ultima missione, gli Skedar rimossi dal gioco, l’idea poco utilizzata di sfruttare luci e ombre per il gameplay, le differenze con e senza expansion pack, commenti sul leggendario articolo di analisi della beta di PD, teorie su Joanna fuori dalle finestre, il cartello “Anal Land”, i cambi e i tagli nelle missioni in singolo, l’entrata esclusiva al Pond Punk Bar, l’amore dei programmatori per il formaggio, gli alieni nemici nell’area 51, il mix delle armi beta, il bersaglio nascosto, la modalità face mapping e dispersioni sull’Hot Coffee di GTA, l’editor dei livelli e le flash card per N64, le lamentele per la qualità di Skype, le orride facce di Perfect Dark per GBC, i prototipi di Rare scoperti dai collezionisti e i codici segreti inutilizzati. Saremo migliorati o peggiorati dopo tutto questo tempo? >> U64 Episodio 1.8 – Download Versione in MP3

feed-icon16×16.png www.unseen64.podomatic.com/rss2.xm feed-icon16×16.png 

Dune Generations [PC – Cancelled]

Cryonetworks in 2001 disclosed information about Dune Generations, an upcoming online real-time strategy game based on Frank Herbert’s classic sci-fi novel series. The company launched an official Web site for the upcoming game that features some concept images, a brief background story and description of the persistent gameworld, and a list of frequently asked questions. Dune Generations was scheduled for release at the end of 2001.

Info from the official page:

The infrastructure of a permanent and massive multiplayer world that exists online; the intrigues and magnificent scenery from Frank Herbert’s Dune Universe; endless space and terrestrial epics: this is what you’ll discover in DUNE Generations.

DUNE Generations is based on three concepts: Short and long-term resource management, real-time commercial and military strategy, and control of a dynasty of leaders within three types of Houses: military, commercial or mercenary. Players will have to make strategic decisions for the advancement of their House and work together or fight one another for domination of the thousands of colonies at their disposal. They will have to evolve in a world with strict rules and use them for their own purpose and benefit. One key purpose, of course, is to gain access and control over the most important planet in the DUNE Universe: Arrakis, where the Spice, the most precious substance in the Universe is produced.

Cryo would be the publisher behind the game; Canada-based DreamCatcher Interactive would be the distributor for North America as part of a partnertship which published a number of other Cryo games.

Dune Generations would let players assume control of a dynasty in the Dune universe. The goal of the game would be to build the dynasty into the most powerful family in the universe, by gaining control of the planet Arrakis, the source of the most precious substance in the universe: spice. Players would choose to control one of three types of dynasties – traders, soldiers, or mercenaries – and each dynasty type would provide a different playing experience.

With the closure of Cryo at the beginning of 2002, the game was canceled due to a failure to negotiate a deal with the company’s creditors. [Info from Wikipedia]

Thanks to Elian for the contribution!

