Aeon-Metal Fighters [GBC – Unreleased]

Aeon-Metal Fighters [GBC – Unreleased]

Aeon-Metal Fighters is an unreleased shoot ’em up that was in development by Dune team for the Gameboy Color. The project was started around 2001, all the graphics and musics are done, the code is about 70 percent finished, the main big task Dune left unfinished was the level design. The game has been frozen because of the lack of interest of publishers and the programmer had to left the project because of that. Aeon-Metal Fighters could be finished at some point if Dune ever manage to find the ressources (mainly coding) to complete it.

Aeon-Metal Fighters has 6 worlds of shooting madness packed with action and baddies, 3 unique characters with their own storyline, evil bosses and great musics from a chiptune legend (dma-sc).

Thanks to Mic/dune for the contribution!


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