INCorporated is a cancelled multiplayer first person shooter set in a gritty Orwellian future that was in development by Galahan Games for the PC and (maybe?) the Xbox 360. The game started out as a Far Cry (Crytek CryEngine 1) modification and Galahan Games released a tech demo using that engine in early 2005. This tech demo demonstrated some of the 3D character models they were designing for the game. As development continued, they moved the game to Artificial Studios’ Reality Engine and released a new tech demo in late 2005. This Reality Engine tech demo allowed the player to explore a small city level and experiment with the world’s physics and a small amount of weapons. It also showed off the world’s day/night cycle. Unfortunately, the game was ultimately cancelled and the Reality Engine was sold to Epic Games in 2005. You can download everything that remains from this lost game (concept art, movies, tech demos, etc.) from this link
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- Dead Unity [PC / PSX – Cancelled] - 04-01-2025
- Dragonkind [XBOX/PS2 – Cancelled] - 02-12-2023
- Damnation: Hell Breaks Loose [PC – Prototype] - 07-10-2023
I remember speaking on email with one of the designers of the game years ago(probably 2008)asking him what hapened with the game but at that time he told me that it was abandoned and he was working in another company.I remeber seeing the webpage when it was active but it was haker attaked(i remember that there was a mesage sayng something like this page was haked by (and i dont remember the name))Probably a joke by someone of the team since they werent working on the game.In the reality engine webpage(which later become part of unreal 3 if im not mistaken)you can find some more fotos of the game.I beleve i do have a smow video of some of the animation of the police crab robot and one of the robot soldiers which i downloaded long time ago from their page.Have to look for it really good becouse its been years.And thats all the info i know from this project for you hungry for knowledge people :)
For more info on the reality engine and its games try looking at the There are some old engines and game info for missing projects like this one.
Will send you the link later. There are more than one tech demo as far as i know.
May I should upload it on YT? I think u will have no free sec until 2131. ^^
I was part of the team and I have all assets.
Why do you want it?
Do you have a link to download tech demo?
I would happily join this game to my private collection…
Try this one!
Thank you very much!
Anyone have the link to download?
I’ve found several pieces of concept art and some parts of the soundtrack – would you be interested in them?
Seems this game was originally a Far Cry mod, as referenced on this teaser:
Alright, so basically this started as a Far Cry mod, then a Half-Life 2 mod, then it became an indie game – and it got cancelled somehow. Does Unseen64 archive cancelled indie games? If not, you should take this down.
There were two tech demos, one required Far Cry to run (and all links to it are dead) and the one posted here.
thanks a lot for all your links and details Mat! this demo looked gorgeous at the time, it’s unfortunate we will never know what they could have done with more time and money for a full-game