Elveon is a cancelled action adventure, originally planned to be released for Xbox 360 and PC. The game was conceived in 2003 by 10Tacle studios in Bratislava (Slovakia) until their parent company (10Tacle group) had to close down for financial problems in 2008. The project was then acquired by Climax Group and development focused on console (Xbox 360 and PS3), but unfortunately even Climax fell into financial problems and Elveon was canned again.
As we can read on Elveon’s official website (now closed)
“The history of the Elveon project dates back into 2003 when a small team started working on an idea of a fantasy world and game that would bring to life a new perspective – a story set in the “early days” of a fantasy world – a time when the Elves were not yet the old, declining population, guarding the ancient ways, but still a young, emerging race, struggling to take their place in a world dominated by Gods and divine powers. During 2004 to 2007, the project grew and the team expanded up to a peak size of over 70 developers and – utilizing architects, painters and sculptors, managed to give the idea a stunning visual facade that – at its time – represented a benchmark in fantasy design and real-time graphical quality. In 2008, after a series of complications and before a serious attempt for a release could be made, the project had to be abandoned and the team has gradually dissolved. A long period of slumber resulted, with the Rights and Assets being held by different entities. The idea however, did not die with the original project…”
The original concept of Elveon by 10Tacle Studios Bratislava was for a somewhat linear action game with RPG elements, focused on story and complex combat mechanics. The team also planned an online multiplayer mode to let players fight against each other, something that reminds me of Ubisoft’s For Honor or the Versus multiplayer of Dark Souls. For sure Elveon was quite ambitious for its time. As we can read in an old preview by IGN:
“The action takes place in the third person and is centered on deliberate combat. We say deliberate because button mashing won’t get you anywhere. Controlled, precise actions will win the battles against your foes. […] Different moves and combos are conducted through a grouping of directional motions and button presses. Blocking must be done at the right moment to successfully deflect oncoming attacks.”
“All of the attack actions were motion captured using real weapons and it shows in the way spears are swung. They look like they actually have a weight to them. The weapons will also interact realistically with the environment. Blades will glance off of walls and other obstacles directly and it really looks like they’re colliding into something instead of bouncing off in the general vicinity of where it should hit. “
“Nothing is set in stone yet, but there may be some differences between the Xbox 360 and PC versions when they hit retail. After looking at some sales data, the developers are toying with the idea of including more RPG elements in the PC version and keeping the 360 build as a more streamlined action title. […] That’s because both the PC and 360 versions will have an online tournament mode where players can take their character from the game online to fight others one-on-one. “
When Climax acquired the game they changed its structure into something more similar to Zelda, with a main hub to freely explore to reach different dungeons. Probably Elveon’s multiplayer was cut at that time. Not much was ever shown from Climax’s version of the game, but from the few screenshots available (that you can see in the gallery below) it looked a lot like a mix between Dark Souls and Zelda.
After Elveon was cancelled again by Climax, in 2015 former members of 10Tacle studios Bratislava were able to re-acquire trademark, licenses and assets for their old game, to develop it again into something more similar to their original concept.
“Our main goal is to produce quality action RPG game, using newest technologies (UE4) and finish the Elveon dream, which was started 12 years ago with a small group of adventurous developers. Our focus is to use Elveon (book of elves) trademark and Elveon world with its specifics, to bring player whole new fantasy experience. We are taking the best from original game (duel fights, story, specific art style), we are polishing and tweaking it to the highest possible level, adding new features, graphics, using best actual technology available. We hope, to keep the Elveon trademark and world alive and bring the best game experience to players possible.”
Unfortunately this third version of the game seems dead too, with no updates since many years ago and with their official website that doesn’t work anymore.
Images (10Tacle Studios version):
Images (Climax version):
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From 17 August 2005
World premiere Elveon
10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia reveals their Elvish action epic on the Games Convention
Darmstadt, 17 August 2005: With the world premiere of “Elveon” the current project of 10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia is unveiled on the Games Convention in Germany. Since a year the forty people team led by Juergen Reusswig and Slavo Hazucha has been working on the development of this epic action game with a vengeance. The game is supposed to be released for PC and next generation consoles in the summer of 2007.
“Elveon” means “The book of elves” and is based on a comprehensive fantasy saga which goes back to the times of the rise of the advanced Elvish civilization. The gods have left the world of Naon in a rush, it is the place they had wanted to transform into their paradise. The Neamas, the elves of the ancient times and fellows of the gods have remained there all alone. A smouldering conflict is gaining more and more importance and a new era starts which is marked by envy, malevolence and relentless wars that prevent the gods
From 19 August 2005
10TACLE license Unreal
The fantasy action epic will be made on the basis of the world-famous platform for PC and next gen consoles.
Games Convention 2005, Leipzig, Germany 19 August 2005: “Elveon”, the project of 10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia which is for the first time being presented to the general public at Games Convention 2005, will be based on the well-known Unreal
From 2 March 2005
10TACLE STUDIOS for the first time demonstrate a playable version of their fantasy action epic and grant a glimpse of their forthcoming line-up
Darmstadt, 22nd February 2006
From 22 March 2005
10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia implements Avid Alienbrain into Unreal Engine 3
10T’s programmers build a bridge between the asset management system and the next-gen games engine
Bratislava (Slovakia), 22nd March 2006
From 10 May 2005
Battles Amidst Breathtaking Landscapes
10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia Reveals First Scenes From Action Epos “Elveon” at the E3
Darmstadt/Bratislava, May 10th 2006. A new day dawns at the E3 in Los Angeles, where 10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia will be giving visitors not only a first glance at a playable version of their fantasy epos „Elveon“ but also the chance to see their newest trailer, loaded with impressive scenes taken direct from the game itself. One of the most impressive elements is the action RPG’s incredible combat system, which features a spectacular Elvish fighting style customdeveloped in-house and resourcefull AI opponents. The monumental architecture and the portrayal of the Elvish world „Naon“ with its living, organic surroundings create an incredibly exciting atmosphere and playing environment.
The profound saga tells of the rise of the heroic Elvish culture from the perspective of an experienced elite warrior. Following his destiny he attempts to change his people’s fate drastically by freeing forgotten city of Nimathar, the portal to the realm of the Gods. A task normally reserved for the Gods themselves!
Today also sees a new chapter of the „Book of the Elves“ (the literal meaning of the word „Elveon“) open on the official homepage http://www.elveon.com., where the E3 video showing breathtaking scenes from the game can also be downloaded. Elveon is due to be released for the PC and XBOX360 in summer 2007.
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10TACLE STUDIOS is one of the leading independent internationally operating development and production companies for high-end computer and video games. Founded in August 2003, the company has pushed to become even more international and presently owns six development studios in Europe and Asia. 180 employees work for the company at its locations in Darmstadt, Hanover, London, Charleroi, Bratislava and Singapore. 10TACLE STUDIOS, with its product portfolio, covers all relevant segments of growth of the games market and meets the high development standards of the market leaders in publishing
From 7 August 2006
(The last 3 are from 2006 also not 2005)
Duel Between Friends
10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia offer a glimpse of the highly-developed combat system from their Fantasy Action Epos “Elveon”
Darmstadt/Bratislava, August 7th 2006 – The developers at 10TACLE STUDIOS Slovakia present some fresh new scenes from their Fantasy Action Epos „Elveon“, in which they reveal the secrets of the different weapons classes and their merciless use. In the current trailer, an Aegans master demonstrates the deadly Elvish arsenal in a number of very painful lessons. The complex combat system, the incredibly dynamic motion capturing and weapon collisions calculated in real-time make for a truly intense atmosphere in combat. In order to make the deadly battles in Elveon even more realistic, Martial Arts experts have combined elements from different Asian and Middle-Age martial arts to develop a unique Elvish fighting style.
The combat trailer can be downloaded from http://www.elveon.de.
All those who just cannot wait any longer to dive into the Elvish world of “Naon” can test a playable version of this hot new fantasy epos themselves at the Games Convention 2006 in Leipzig (Hall 3, Booth B20).
Elveon tells of the rise of the heroic Elvish culture from the viewpoint of an elite Elf warrior. As is his fate, he tries to forever change the history of his people by freeing the forgotten city of Nimathar, the entrance to the realm of the Gods. An epic task normally reserved for the Gods themselves!
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About 10tacle studios AG:
Listed in the General Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, 10tacle studios AG (security code number: TACL10) is one of Europe’s leading independent developers and producers of high-end computer and video games. 10tacle studios AG (www.10tacle.com) produces top-quality products that meet international development standards, and its product portfolio covers all relevant growth segments in the games market. In fiscal year 2005, the Company generated revenue of €17.9 million (under IFRSs), thus more than doubling the prior-year figure (2004: €8.4 million). EBIT increased by approximately 362% year-on-year to €1,684 thousand in 2005 (2004: €364 thousand). Currently, more than 180 employees work for the Company at its headquarters in Darmstadt and the development sites in Darmstadt, Hanover, London, Charleroi, Bratislava and Singapore.