Alone in the Dark 5 is the cancelled, fifth chapter in the cult-classic Alone in the Dark series that was in development by Atari / Infogrames Lyon House Studio in 2002, planned to be released on Playstation 2 and Xbox. One year after Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (developed by Darkworks) and six years before the Alone in the Dark 2008 reboot (developed by Eden Games), AitD 5 was in development directly by Infogrames Lyon as one of their major internal projects.
In early ‘00s Infogrames had already a few economic problems: in 2002 they had a loss of $67 million and things would only get worse during the following years. While Alone in the Dark 5 was never officially announced by Infogrames it could have been a successful game for them, bringing in some good sales. Unfortunately this never happened.
Alone in the Dark 5 was soon cancelled, possible because of quality issues or because the series and the classic survival horror genre were not as popular as before among gamers. The project could have been seen as a risk to complete in such an unstable market.
In 2003 Infogrames renamed all of its brands into Atari (after they bought out the name from Hasbro) and heavily re-organized the company and their projects. During the early ‘00s Infogrames canned many more interesting games, such as La Femme Nikita, Urban X-Tribe, Ghostbusters Academy, Riders and NetLife.
Only a few images from Alone in the Dark 5 are saved in the gallery below, to preserve its existence.
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Alone in the Dark Near Death Investigation / Alone in the Dark Inferno, is the 5th game?!
It’s also released for Windows, Xbox 360 und PS3, PS2 and Wii.
There are some tech demo vids around, so you may find more infos.
This Alone in the Dark 5 was a completely different game than the Alone in the Dark 2008 reboot, made by two different teams! I hope to be able to save more footage in the future :O
But isn’t Alone in the Dark: The Abductions, which is cancelled 2003, right?
Exactly, it is another cancelled Alone in the Dark! They tried a few times to reboot the franchise without success :O
In effetti alcuni bozzetti del gioco del 2008 (o meglio, che vengono presentati come relativi a quel gioco) sono molto somiglianti alle immagini qui sopra, tipo questo:
Ad ogni modo, posso postare queste informazioni e le immagini nella Alone in the Dark Wiki, specificano ovviamente la fonte?
Ciao Press! Scusa per il ritardo nella risposta, come al solito c’è tanto da fare per Unseen64 e mai abbastanza tempo per stare dietro a tutto :(
Usa tutto quello che serve per la Wiki! è molto importante condividere immagini e informazioni su più siti possibile, così che vengano preservate limitando il rischio che siano perdute :)
Quei bozzetti sono molto interessanti, non li avevo mai visti! Effettivamente il character design sembra lo stesso usato per questo prototipo del 2002 :O
Ah! Quasi dimenticavo…relativamente ad Alone in the Dark è stato cancellato un remake del primo capitolo della saga, su internet girano alcuni video del prototipo, tipo questo:
Grazie per il link! Prima o poi dobbiamo inserirlo nell’archivio di Unseen64, è davvero un remake misterioso :O
Figurati! Nessun problema, è importante fare tutto il possibile per salvare informazioni sui giochi perduti :)