Developers’s Tips to Avoid Game Cancellation For Students

Developers’s Tips to Avoid Game Cancellation For Students

Over the years, we have seen several much-anticipated video games getting canceled, including, Conker Bad Fur Day 2, ZOE 3, Project Titan, Prey 2, Silent Hill: PT, and others.

Some of the reasons for game cancellation are realistic, such as budget limitations, changes in the company, or time constraints. Although cancellation can be frustrating for both gamers and game developers, these reasons are quite understandable.

However, sometimes game cancellations can occur for the crazier reasons possible. Imagine spending all your time making a video game; then it gets canceled because it can’t be played on a certain game console or a vengeful wife destroys all the work. Yes! It can happen.

Game development is no simple task; lots of hours and effort goes into it. So, it’s wise to know the things to avoid, so your game doesn’t get canceled. Here you’ll find tips on how to avoid video game cancellation from game developers.

Check for a license first

Sometimes you can follow all the game development steps and produce the best game in the market. But when you are about to launch it, you get hit with a lawsuit. That’s exactly what happened to Marvel Heroes, an online game, which had gathered a huge following of gamers. They lost their Marvel license from Disney and had to shut down immediately.

The same things happened to EA when their James Bond License was snatched from them by Activision. When a situation like this happens, you might incur a massive lawsuit from the license owner.

Avoid disappointing game fans

Nobody is going to play a game that’s not fun. If your game isn’t fun, it’s a candidate for cancellation. Don’t just push your game to the market before discovering what makes it enjoyable to play. Take your time and keep working on the game until it’s ready for prime time. The reality is if your game is not 90% complete, then it won’t be fun because sometimes fun only emerges at the last cycle of game development.

Apart from simply being exciting for the fans, when one is working on a sequel or part of any franchise, it’s vital to do proper research and ensure that the market will be on edge of their seats to play the game. Maximo 3, Without Warning 2 and Evil Twin 2 were cancelled due to low sales of previous titles and general lack of enthusiasm from gamers. Bet fans are crying reading this.

Some games are developed only for production revenue. However, for the game to truly strike, research on clientele is essential. Even if management knows little of previous parts and wants to catch the hype of the franchise, it is better to find a research paper writing service that really helps than waste that much effort and end up cancelling the game. Plot and graphics are of great importance, so are the expectations of game fans.

Protect Game Data

After the distinctive success of two Conduit games, Nintendo directed the developer to create a new IP for the publisher. The game has never been named, but an unknown source suggests a relatively non-violent kid shooter was developed where the players would be able to fight robots using water instead of bullet-based weapons.

Unfortunately, an inner leak of High Voltage triggered friction between the two firms. Nintendo was ready for the game if the leaker was found, but nobody came forward and High Voltage declined to scapegoat anyone. As a result, Nintendo ended their relationship with the developer and the concept was cancelled. As a result, we lost a potentially awesome game and probably hope for the cooperation between the two giants in the game industry.

Secure Funding

As a student, it’s difficult to secure funding for your game. But it’s crucial to have funds, especially if you’re planning to employ other developers to help you out. The nature of your game and the stage of its development determines the funds you need. You don’t want to run out of funding during your final steps of the development and production process. Lack of money at the last stage might kill your project and even your company if you have one.

If it’s your first time developing a game, and you have no skills whatsoever but have lots of determination to see your ideas coming to fruition. Then consider seeking funds from your family or close friends. Besides money from grandma or father, backup your game by securing loans, doing jobs for other clients, or secure a day-to-day job.

According to Wlad (the developer of the award-winning game DARQ), first-time game developers should try their best to reduce production costs. They should not pitch their game when it is still in its early stages of development since investors consider beginners as a high-risk investment. Furthermore, game developers should polish their demo and have an active community of gamers built around their games.


Video game cancellation occurs more often than you think, but it doesn’t mean you can’t avoid it. With the help of the mentioned tips, we hope your dreams of having the best game in the market will come true. And remember always to bring your game to new hardware. That said, thank you for your time. Best of luck!

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