Sphinx and The Cursed Mummy 2 [PS2] — Shelved

Sphinx and The Cursed Mummy 2 [PS2] — Shelved

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is a fun 3D action-adventure developed by Eurocom and released by THQ back in 2003 for Xbox, Gamecube and PS2. The game was a critical success with many praising its art style, gameplay, music and story. However, the game didn’t do well sales-wise. Eventually, the game’s sequel was never greenlit by THQ. There were several attempts to make the sequel happen by making a J2ME mobile game, and work on an Xbox 360 port was in development back in 2006-2007 before it was cancelled altogether. Eight Pixels Square, which is comprised of ex-Eurocom employees, tried to make an infinite runner-type game for iPhones, but that one was also cancelled.

Sphinx 2 never got past the concept phase as THQ was not interested in greenlighting the sequel after the game’s disappointing sales. A few sketches were made and that was it.



Credit: the Sphinx Community

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