Finally! Finally, finally finally finally! XD Finally after a year or 4 (I think?) I found the time and will to upgrade the site LOL! There is still a lot that has to happen but I have everything ready so it can be used! :D Most of the things I…

Finally! Finally, finally finally finally! XD Finally after a year or 4 (I think?) I found the time and will to upgrade the site LOL! There is still a lot that has to happen but I have everything ready so it can be used! :D Most of the things I…
Dear readers of Unseen64. We would like to remind you that we are on some Social Networking Sites. Many of you already follow us on Twitter, but not many people know we also have an official Facebook page. We would like to do more with our Facebook page to reach…
EDIT Ok it was fun lol. Everythings back to normal again, so you ignore this post from now on :p Yes, we really feel like everyone here is loving Hello Kitty, including every single one on the FORUM agrees that Hello Kitty is pretty awesome! So, from today on we…
Hello dear readers of Unseen64. As you may notice we have been down for quiet a while. This was because of we grew out of our hosting plan’s server capacity aka we were getting too many visitors. We have found a new box with enhough capacity for a while, so…
As Bemani (music games by Konami) fan I felt like had to post this [: A new version of beatmaniaIIDX awaits us again and the public beta (better known as location test) is starting today! Millions of fans in japan and all over the world are gathering in Tokyo to…