Dead Space is a third-person survival horror-action gamereleased in October 2008, developed by EA Redwood Shores for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows, with a version for the Wii console expected for a Q3 2009 release. [Info from Wikipedia]
It seems that in 2006, the team was working on a Dead Space prototype for the original XBOX, but is currently unknow if the game was originally meant to be released on it or it was just a way to test the game before having the final 3D engine for the next gen consoles.
We can see a video from the XBOX 1 version at AreWeScaredYet‘s Youtube Channel: “this video was shown during a presentation called “Creating Horror and Immersion with the Art of Dead Space” by Art Director of the game Ian Milham at the Animex, games and animation festival in 2009. An article about the presentation can be read at“
Thanks to Dark ViVi and Robert Seddon for the contribution!