
Time Splitters 2 [XBOX/PS2/GC – Beta]


TimeSplitters 2 is a first-person shooter available for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube. The game was published by Eidos and developed by Free Radical Design, a company founded by some ex-Rare members. In February of 1999, 20 months before the release of Perfect Dark, several members of Rare who had worked on GoldenEye 007, including Steve Ellis, Karl Hilton, Graeme Norgate, and David Doak, left to form their own company called Free Radical Design. After they developed the first TimeSplitters, Free Radical Design began work on TimeSplitters 2, with the goal of creating a more fulfilling story mode alongside the Arcade and MapMaker modes. [Info from Wikipedia] In the beta version of the game, there was a different HUD and different design for some of the weapons. You can see a comparison below:

Thanks to Danny33 for the contributions & to Jay for the english corrections!

Beta Electro Tool:


Final Electro Tool (beta HUD):


Beta Laser Gun:


Final Laser Gun (beta HUD):


Beta Plasma Autorifle?:


Final Plasma Autorifle (beta HUD):


Beta Tactical 12-Gauge:


Final Tactical 12-Gauge (beta HUD):


Beta Soviet S47:


Final Soviet S47 (with beta HUD):


More beta images: 

Assassin’s Creed [Beta – Xbox 360 / PS3]

The first Assassin’s Creed was meant to be a new game in the Prince of Persia series, titled “Prince of Persia: Assassins“. The project was later changed for some reasons, but we can see a trailer of the beta / prototype “Prince of Persia: Assassin’s Creed” below.

Also, a target-render video from 2004:

Thanks a lot to trainer15side for the contribution!

Looking through the Assassin’s Creed beta videos and screens, i found out some differences. Here is what i have noticed:


1. They go into a first person view that does not put you into,”eagle vision” or what they call intuition in the video. The eagle vision has also had some changes in detecting targets. In the final people are kinda,”color coded”.

2. Weird interface icon appears at 3:25 and 4:14.

3. What she calls,” the key moment of assassination” is different, and quicker. In the final once you’ve assassinated someone you go into a scene and the one you assassinated speaks to Altair. I think the beta is cooler personally.

4. The very end it shows the Animus main screen, which is very much different from the final screen.

5. The entrance to the town,”Acre” is much different, and more vast.

There is also a video shown at e3 06 I believe that shows the crossbow cut from the game. Though, the video is in the final game, unchanged. Here are some screenshots of that:



A closer image of where he keeps his arrows for the crossbow, which is replaced for a throwing knife holder in the final.


His short blade is in the front of his clothing, rather than his back like in the final. The crossbow rests on his back instead.

In others beta-screens we can see better the different entrance to the city of Acre and the old HUD. In the beta Animus Interface, the woman in the backround is probably Lucy Stillman, but she appears to be different looking. In the beta picture she looks to be a brunette, in the final she is blonde. It’s hard to say because she is hard to see though.

This area is not in the final game:

Thanks to Eaglevision for the contribution!


Silent Hill: Homecoming [Beta – Xbox 360 / PS3]

Silent Hill: Homecoming is the sixth installment in the Silent Hill survival horror video game series, developed by Double Helix Games (AKA Foundation 9 studio + The Collective + Shiny Entertainment). From the pre-released screenshots, we can already see some beta differences between the “final” version and an old “beta” version, like different hair color for the protagonist and a “better” graphic. If you played the final game and notice some more beta differences in the early screens and videos, please let us know! Thanks to Brad for the contribution 

Rogue Ops [XBOX/PS2/GC – Beta]


Rogue Ops is a stealth-based action/adventure game developed by Bits Studios and published by Kemco for the Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube and Sony PlayStation 2 in 2003. In the game the player assumes the role of Nikki Connors; in the beta version, Nikki had a different character design which included with dark/brown hair (she is blonde in the final) and the HUD was different. Rumors say that Rogue Ops was developed from the concept of the RiQa project, a cancelled title for the Nintendo 64.

Thanks to Jay for the english corrections!



GTA IV [X360/PS3 – Beta]


Michelle is Niko’s first girlfriend in GTA 4. In the beta version, her face looks totally different from the final. [Thanks a lot to Gerror for this image!]


Various users from the GTA Forums have found a lot of differences in the early GTA4 screens, were we can see:

  • A removed Black Taxis
  • Missing License Plates
  • Beta Gloves
  • Beta Haircut
  • Transparent White Blinkers for Police/Taxi
  • Beta clothes
  • Little Jacob without glasses
  • Beta MP5
  • Removed Silenced Glock
  • .375 Colt Python Revolver
  • Beta MP10 – Done (by BWARazor)
  • Yankee had white rims
  • NOOSE Van was an blue Boxville Truck
  • Vincent looks different
  • Vlad with a long haircut
  • RESTAUTANT were miss-spelled on the sign
  • Sales sign were removed in Chinatown
  • Leenies Fireproof were called in the beta “STANLEY Fireproof Door Co.”
  • Pogo the Space Monkey Arcade game from GTA SA in bars
  • In the Beta the Rotterdam Tower blue,purple and white lights intstead of red,white and blue lights in the final
  • The Beta has two 2 stores weren’t in the final game: JR.RAY’S and JIM
  • The Sex Shop had different wall textures

It’s interesting to notice that at the GTA Forum they are even working on a Mod for the PC version of the game, to restore some of the beta content removed from the final version! You can check the topic in here:  Grand Theft Auto IV Beta Mod.

