
Nightmare Creatures 3 [XBOX/PS2/GC – Cancelled]


Nightmare Creatures 3: Angel of Darkness was initially announced for a Spring 2003 release for Sony’s PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft’s Xbox, but the game soon fell into development hell. It began development at Kalisto Entertainment in 2002 and Ubisoft obtained the publishing rights, but Kalisto soon went out of business and Ubisoft assumed development duties. Kalisto’s apparent concept of the game involved a heroine exploring 19th century Prague during the daytime and merging with a raven at nightfall to transform into a beast and battle Adam Crowley’s monsters, but Ubisoft reportedly began designing the game from the ground up when it gained control over the game’s development and it’s unknown whether Kalisto’s original concept remained intact.

Spring 2003 came and went with no news on the title. In 2004, Ubisoft representatives claimed the game had not been cancelled, but the company has remained quiet about Nightmare Creatures 3 ever since.




6Gun [XBOX/PS2 – Cancelled]

BattleBourne was working on  squad-based shooter entitled 6Gun, which looked rather like SOCOM. A submarine in Primorsk has been boarded and destroyed by a nuclear device, wiping out a whole SEAL team. The Gunslingers – the team the player controls – are sent in to sort things out. There were four campaigns and 12 levels, with missions including hostage rescues, demolitions, sniping, and parachute insertions.

[Contribute by Matt Gander from]


100 Bullets (by Acclaim) [XBOX/PS2 – Cancelled]

Acclaim announced plans to release a video game based on 100 Bullets. However, following the collapse of Acclaim’s publishing house, the game has essentially been cancelled. It was intended that the player would be either Cole Burns or Snow Falls (a completely original character) and play in a third person view. The plot was generally unknown, aside from a supposition that it followed the plot of the comic book.

Later D3Publishing obtained the rights from Warner Bros. to publish a 100 Bullets game. They intend to make a video game completely independent from Acclaim’s aborted vision, but still heavily reliant on input and plotting from Brian Azzarello. Not much it currently know about the D3 version and it could have been cancelled too. [Infos from Wikipedia]




Extreme Force [XBOX/PS2/GC – Cancelled]


Extreme Force: Grant City Anti-Crime (A.K.A. Strike Force / First Strike: Grant City Anti-Crime) was a third person shooter set in the Dead To Rights city – a fact that will be of precisely no interest to most people. It was all about law enforcement, covert operations and all that lark, as the title suggests. Fun items such as night vision goggles, grenades and door charges would have been at your disposal as you rid the city of criminals by making them dead. Stealth maneuvers and “run-and-gun combat” were promised. It was in development at Namco for PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube but it was later cancelled for unknow reasons.

[Contribute by Matt Gander from]

