
Black [PS2/XBOX – Beta]

Black is a FPS developed by Criterion Games and published in 2006 by Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. Thanks to a playable demo released before the game was completed, DCodes7 noticed various beta differences, listed in the gallery below. Also, as wrote by Satrialeson the NeoGaf Forum, originally Black had a “challenge mode” where you would run around the levels shooting targets within a set time, but this was removed in the final version.




Starsky and Hutch 2 [PS2/XBOX – Cancelled]

Starsky & Hutch 2 is a cancelled mission-based driving game based on the TV series with the same name, that was in development by Mind’s Eye for the original Xbox and Playstation 2. The project was announced in 2003 when Empire Interactive signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Sony Pictures to publish a sequel to their first Starsky & Hutch game.

As wrote by IGN, Starsky & Hutch 2 was shown behind closed doors at Empire Interactive’s booth during E3 2004, featuring the same drive and shoot gameplay as the original, and an on-rails Virtua Cop-esque mode up to 2 players. In 2005 Mind’s Eye Productions was acquired by Disney Interactive and their Starsky & Hutch 2 project was canned. The few images preserved in the gallery below are probably from a target render and not in-game.

Thanks to Cyrax151 for the contribution!


Saint Row 2 [X360/PS3/PC – Beta]

Saints Row 2 is a sandbox / action game game developed by Volition Inc and published by THQ for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2008. James Tsai,  SR2’s Lead Designer, in and interview with IGN revealed that some content had to be removed from the game before it was published:

JT: In the early stages of development we had some really crass stuff in the game, the kind of things that put you in that weird place where you’re laughing and squirming uncomfortably with guilt at the same time. One prototype had you driving a truck full of smuggled underage foreign prostitutes across the city while rival pimps rammed into you, knocking the girls out and cutting into your human trafficking profits. Another had you using a high pressure fire hose to wash homeless people off the street and into the gutter. Not exactly Nobel Prize material.

There was a lot of stuff we had in that didn’t register very high on the human decency scale, so we dialed some things back. For instance we changed the gender of the first character you encounter, since beating a female doctor to death with an IV stand wasn’t the impression we wanted to leave with the very first player action in the game. Instead, we have you beat a male doctor to death with an IV stand, to ease you into the killing.

From the early screens we can also notice various beta differences:

  • You can not customize characters in youe crib in the final
  • There was a different looking crib
  • Hideout has a different appearance
  • A pic shows  a cutscene that was removed


TransWorld Skateboarding [XBOX – Cancelled]

TransWorld Skateboarding is a cancelled sport / skateboarding game that was in development by Barking Dog Studios in 2001, for the original Xbox. The project was announced at E3 2001, when Infogrames unveiled 3 Transworld Games: Skateboarding, Snowboarding and Surf. In the end only the snowboard and surf games were released, while Skateboarding was cancelled, maybe because of the low scores and sales of the other 2 projects.

Thanks to Userdante for the contribution!


Red Dead Revolver [Beta – PS2, XBOX]

Red Dead Revolver is a western third-person shooter published by Rockstar Games and developed by Angel Studios, a team that is now known as Rockstar San Diego. The game was released in May 2004, for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, but its development begun 3 years before (2001 / 2002) and the project was originally meant to be published by Capcom.

In 2002, Angel Studios were acquired by Take Two Interactive and Rockstar Games purchased the rights of the title and expanded on it. The original version of Red Dead Revolver had a more arcadish and fast gameplay, while the final one had a more “open world realistic” approach. The “Angel Studios Version” was played more like an “on rails” shooter (but with free movements), instead the “Rockastar San Diego Version” is more like an action adventure.

Chek the trailers below for a comparison. If you played the game and can help us to notice more differences, it would be appreciated!

Thanks to BemaniAK for the contribution!


Beta Videos:

Here’s the final version of the game for comparison: