Nintendo DS

Black & White Creatures [DS – Cancelled]

Black & White: Creatures is a cancelled DS game that was based on the original Black & White, a PC game developed by Lionhead Studios and published by Electronic Arts and Feral Interactive in 2001. The original game was a “God Simulation”, which included elements of artificial life, strategy, and fighting games, but we are not sure about the gameplay of this unreleased DS port.

It seems that Black & White DS was going to be more like a “Pet Simulator”, in which to raise your creature to make it to fight against other creatures. Here’s the original press release:

* Numerous game play modes: Single Player, Creature Quest, Creature Pen, Creature Battle Multiplayer and a Creature Dance mini-game where you can teach your creature to get down!

* 10 different species of creatures with several new, never-before-seen breeds

* Specific DS touch screen features include custom tattoo design and ‘God’s Hand’ stylus control to punish or reward your creature via specific stylus movements

* Revolutionary creature AI adds a deeper training simulation and strategy game play experience

* Huge array of animations, personalities and actions bring your creature to life

* Pit your creature against your friend’s creatures via the Nintendo DS wireless link

* Use the Nintendo DS microphone to verbally berate or encourage your creature during training

* 8 different island environments ranging from arid deserts to frozen tundras

* Hundreds of awards and items to collect and unlock

* Based on the award winning franchise from Lionhead Studios

After some months / year of development by Full-Fat studio, Black & White Creatures vanished without any official statment.


Dynasty Warriors [DS – Beta]


Dynasty Warriors DS: Fighter’s Battle is an hack ‘n slash developed by Koei and released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS. When the project was in early development, Koei was using a isometric 2D graphic engine more similar to the GBA Dynasty Warriors, but after a while they decided to change it with a “3D” one, to make better use of the DS graphical capabilities. The beta was basically a different game from the one we got in the end.

Beta Version:


Final Version:



Metroid Prime Hunters [DS – Beta]


A highly prototypical demo, titled Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt, was included as a pack-in (now discontinued) with the DS launch on November 21, 2004 in North America, Australia and Europe. This demo was not released in Japan. First Hunt had a different layout to the lower screen, and a slightly different weapon system. There was a different default control method, in which the screens were transposed, and targets could be fired upon by tapping them with the stylus regardless of whether they were centered in view. The control schemes found in the final version were also available. The Power Beam had no charge function, and it had an ammo system. When Power Beam ammo was exhausted, the rate of fire slowed greatly.

There was also a “Double Damage” pickup that caused Samus to cause twice as much damage with each shot (which reappeared in the multiplayer battles of the final version of the game) and only two sub-weapons, missiles and the “Electro Lob” (similar to the Volt Driver and Battlehammer, it lobs and explodes on impact but also can impair vision). Three training scenarios were present, as well as a multi-card multiplayer mode. Some of the multiplayer levels from Hunters were included in the demo. – [info from Wikipedia]

[Thanks to Michael Cheek for the contribute!]

