Nintendo DS

Initial D EX [DS – Cancelled]

Initial D EX was a street racing game being developed by SEGA Rosso in 2007/08. This would have been the seventh game for consoles in the Initial D series, and there was also a series of arcade games. Initial D is a popular manga and anime series about illegal street racing in Japan. It was only rumours that this game would be coming to the DS and many people thought that this was a bogus announcement. This was because only a few images appeared on the SEGA Rosso website before quickly being taken down.

initial D DS Cancelled

This is actually the only evidence that this game ever existed or was in development. There were various stills of the game with “DS” in the corner. It was never officially confirmed whether or not a DS game was actually ever in development.

This was not the death of Initial D on a Nintendo handheld though, as a free-2-play instalment dubbed Perfect Shift Online was released in 2014 for the 3DS. In December 2014, it was confirmed that this will also have a sequel as it was downloaded over 500,000 times and has proved very popular.

If you know anything else about the DS version of Initial D, let us know in the comments!

Thanks to Marco for the contribution!


Dementium 2 [Tech Demo – DS]

Dementium 2 is a FPS developed by Renegade Kid and released for DS in 2010. Below we can see some screenshots and a video of a tech demo that was created before the actual development of the game started. Gregg Hargrove briefly talked about it in the Renegade Kid board:

I wanted to comment on how amazed I am that anyone was even able to find any info on the original “Village” demo that became D2. Wow!

I also wanted to give a shout out to the artist that helped me develop that demo, Erik McKenney, who sadly was not able to stay on with us past the demo. Times were crazy and we didn’t know where what was going to happen so we lost a great artist to a more stable company. D2 would have been that much better if we could have kept him on.



Emperor [DS – Cancelled]

Emperor is a cancelled Real Time Strategy game that was in development by Frame Studios for the Nintendo DS. The player would have been able to control one of three important civilizations: Romans, Greeks or Egyptians, and start his campaign to build a new Empire, conquer the known World and change History. Probably Frame Studios was not able to find a publisher interested in the game and Emperor was never released.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Monkey Ball Touch & Roll [DS- Unused Levels]

Monkey Ball is an ongoing series of action-adventure games published by Sega, new installments frequently being developed for a variety of consoles. Monkey Ball Touch & Roll, played on the Nintendo DS, contains 120 adventure mode levels and various others for the 6 minigames. However, looking at the files inside the game, it may seen odd that there are over 70 more level files than there should be. Most of these files appear to be levels ported from Monkey Ball and Monkey Ball 2 for gamecube. Among the minigame levels, 6 unused Survival maps and 7 unused Golf maps can be found, as seen below.

Article by Skelux
