Faxanadu is a platform adventure game for the NES, that was developed and released in Japan by Hudson Soft in 1987. In 1989, Nintendo of America released the game as a first-party title in the US and in the European market in 1990. Faxanadu can be considered a side-story of Xanadu, which is the second installment of Falcom’s long-running RPG series, Dragon Slayer. [Infos from Wikipedia]
Thanks to Robert Seddon we found out this page on TheInterweb.com, where we can see some interesting sprites that were never used in the game: “‘The IDs of these enemies are 18, 29, 36, 39, 43, 70 (all decimal). Two defined NPCs also never actually appear in the game. The first one is the lovely blue lady with ID 53, the
other one is the child with ID 54.’