
Golden Sun: The Lost Age [GBA – Unused Content]

Robert Seddon has linked us to an interesting topic in the Golden Sun Hacking Community Forum, in which they have found a lot of unused  items, sprites and Psynergy spells that were still hidden in the Golden Sun: The Lost Age code! All of these can not be obtained in the final game without hacking. Betweem the unused NPC there’s one that looks a bit like Link from The Legend Of Zelda and we can only wonder if it was going to be a cameo from the Zelda series, later removed for some reasons. Also several characters from the original Golden Sun are among the game’s sprite collection despite not actually appearing in the game. Maybe these sprites are still in there because the developers used the original Golden Sun code to build the second game and they just forgot to remove that old stuff.

[spoiler /List of Unused Items/ /Hide the List of Unused Items/]

398: Divine Camisole – Shirt: Raises Defense and Luck
Price: 2700, Defense: 10
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Mia, Jenna, Sheba.
Luck +5

399: Herbed Shirt – Shirt: Reduces Defense
Price: 1900, Defense: 7
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Use: Herb, Breaks when used.

401: Casual Shirt – Shirt: Restores HP & Raises DEF
Price: 50, Defense: 3
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Isaac, Garet, Ivan, Felix, Piers
HP recovery +5

405: Knight’s Greave – Boots: Raise Defense & HP
Price: 2700, Defense: 8
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Max HP +5

406: Silver Greave – Boots: Raise Defense & Luck
Price: 3800, Defense: 11
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Luck +4

407: Ninja Sandals – Boots: Raise Defense & Evade
Price: 2000, Defense: 5
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Critical Hits +15

411: Aroma Ring – Ring: Restores 100 HP to all allies
Price: 2300
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Use: Healing Aura, breaks when used

412: Rainbow Ring – Ring: Deludes multiple enemies
Price: 900
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Use: Delude, breaks when used

413: Soul Ring – Ring: Use to raise a downed ally
Price: 1800
Is a rare item
Can be equipped by: Anyone
Use: Revive, breaks when used[/spoiler]

[spoiler /List of Unused Psynergy spells/ /Hide the List of Unused Psynergy spells/]
129 – Reflect
A Psynergy usable in battle. No apparent use has been found.

155 – Ma???? (Magnet)
A Psynergy usable outside of battle, a ring appears around the player which dissipates after a few seconds. Can be used in Psynergy Test 2 Debug Room to mess with a pile of rope.
The ability may cause transitions between locations, and menus to become glitchy.

157 – A?? (Arrow)
A Psynergy usable outside of battle, a bow appears in front of the player, and shoots an arrow which sticks in NPCs, and other objects. Can be used in Psynergy Test Debug Room to light a torch, and annoy Kraden.
The ability appears glitchy sometimes since it ignores the height-map, and thus may appear at the wrong elevation.

298 – Aurora Field
A Psynergy usable in battle. Fully heals & revives your party.[/spoiler]

Huge props to Atrius and all the GS Hacking Community for these finds!




Green Beret / Rush’n Attack [GBC – Cancelled]


Green Beret, retitled Rush’n Attack in North America, is an action / platform arcade game released by Konami in 1985. In february 2009, made an interview with Naps Team, in which they revealed that a Gameboy Color port of Green Beret was in development in late 2000.  Sadly the project was cancelled, probably because of the near release date of the new Gameboy Advance.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution and to Vaettur for the logo!



Thornado [N64 – Prototype]


Also know as “Turrican 64”, Thornado was an action game / third person shooter that was in development at Factor 5 as a spiritual successor to the Turrican series, but with some inspiration from Metroid. This project was originally announced for the Nintendo 64, but it seems that only an early prototype / tech demo was created before it was put on hold, probably because Factor 5 was too busy to work on Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.

Originally they wanted to call the game “Turrican 64” but they could not settle on an agreement with the rights owner of the “Turrican” franchise, Rainbow Arts / Softgold. Eggebrecht said that it was internally referred to as “Thornado”, a mixture of “Thor” and “Tornado”.

The game would had featured eight levels with shooting and puzzles elements. Additionally, the game had two protagonists, a male and a female  The music would have been done by Chris Huelsbeck again and a sample is still available to download from the official F5 website.

As we can see from the few screens below, F5 realized a nice Target Render for Thornado 64, that was used to show how the game would have looked on the Nintendo console. The scene shows a scenario from the end of time, in which you had to jump over cars, shots to enemies and then fight an huge final boss. That’s only a tech demo though and probably they never created a playable one.

After some time and many delays, Thornado was cancelled for the N64 and Factor 5 tried to move it to the new “Dolphin” hardware (later know as the GameCube). As we know, even Thornado GameCube was cancelled and after so many years the project vanished forever from the gaming world.

Thanks a lot to Celine for the contribution!


Quest (Rare MMO) [GameCube / XBOX – Cancelled]

Quest was a cancelled Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) game that was in development at Rare Ltd. Before vanished from the web, they had some interesting informations about the project:

When Microsoft purchased RARE, one of the things it highlighted was its established series. Having paid such a high price for the renowned codehouse, Microsoft naturally wanted to exploit its past work to the utmost. Shortly after its acquisition, it therefore organised a restructuring of the company where high-profile franchises such as Perfect Dark and Conker were prioritized over more experimental titles.

The first game to suffer from this change of focus was  RARE’s top-secret online game that was originally planned for the Nintendo GameCube but soon converted to the Microsoft Xbox. Codenamed Quest, it was a massively multiplayer online space shooter led by Mark Edmonds, Duncan Botwood, and Chris Seavor in the programming, design, and art roles respectively. Despite having been in the works for about two years, development on the game was progressing slowly, largely due to its lack of distinct direction with regards to design. With the Xbox already being overcrowded with online games, Microsoft thus decided to cancel the title and relocate the 13-strong team to more important titles.

Thanks to Purerarity, some more info were leaked in october 2011:

Quest started around 2000 after Perfect Dark N64 as a mixed fantasy MMO. One name it had for a while was Elements of 3 Powers but it wasn’t related to Kameo (the other team probably took over the name when it was abandoned). Around 2001 Quest was a space shooter for the Gamecube and in 2002 it was converted to the Xbox and shortly thereafter put on hold. After Perfect Dark Zero a fantasy MMO version came back, this time titled Cascade. It was however cancelled in 2007 when the team did GoldenEye 007 for the XBLA instead. As you all know, the latter was finished but never released.

Sadly there are no Quest images or videos available at the moment.