
World Reborn Unification [DS – Cancelled]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in the contributors list. Thanks a lot for your help! :)

ITA: Questa pagina dell’archivio non ha ancora una descrizione. Se vuoi aggiungere delle informazioni riguardo le differenze della beta o la descrizione di un gioco cancellato, lasciaci un commento o mandaci una email! Inseriremo le tue informazioni nella pagina ed il tuo nome nella lista dei collaboratori. Grazie per il tuo aiuto! :)


Pikmin 2 [Beta – GameCube]

Zero7 has brought to our attention some differences in the early version of Pikmin 2: “In one of the photos the white pikmins don’t have red eyes (looks like a palette swapped yellow in that little window on the bottom). In another screen there’s .. a yellow potion? Wasn’t it red and.. blue/purple? Yeah, top was purple, bottom became red. Olimar’s Health looks off. Same with purple, model is fine, picture on the bottom is missing their features. In another image there are almost 20 potions.. no way you can get that many so quickly in ANY area of the final version, also that area doesn’t exist in the final (99% sure).

In a scene the red pikmin was inactive, but still colored, probably not a beta problem and I’m just remembering wrong, but I could’ve sworn they become a little lighter when they’re inactive. In the beta both players are using Olimar as their health, one red and one blue, but Louie gets his own icon in the final. We can even see the “Debug mode” in some of the screens.. and still using yellow potions, which dont exist in the final; maybe it was planned to choose between 3 different potions. The thing that goes down into caves with you looks different, like a lot less detailed than the final. In general all the pictures pre MAY 4 2004 are missing the second health meter for Louie and they all had different numberings for the pikmin count in the HUD (Beta: 0043 – final: [space][space]43).”

Also, in the videos below there are yellow and blue bolborbs, which are different in the final version (they are orange with black faces and green eyes). As we can read in Pikmin Wikia:

Two Bulborb subspecies are known to have been cut from the final versions of the Pikmin games. Both colors match those of the three main Pikmin types. Along with the Red Bulborb, each basic Pikmin type would have a fitting Bulborb had these not been removed. Naming used in the game’s data makes it clear that these became the Dwarf Orange and Hairy Bulborbs in the game.

As we could see in Pikmin [GC – Beta / Prototype / Unused Stuff / Debug] page, the pikmins were supposed to be black in the first time, however, Shigeru Miyamoto didn’t liked it, due not having any facial features, such as nose and eyes. However, in the game data folder, mostly, or all the files, redirected to Purple Pikmin, are named as “Piki-Black” (configuration/models/textures), meaning that in the first states of the game, the black pikmin would appear in the sequel.

Screenshot of BMDViewer:

Thanks to Zero7, kieranmay, Foulowe 59 and gabrielwoj for the contributions & to Jay for the english corrections!


Kid Kirby [SNES – Cancelled]

Kid Kirby was meant to be a “prequel” of the series, a platform game with a younger Kirby (with hair?) that was in development at DMA Design, the makers of Uniracers, Silicon Valley and Lemmings. A little image from this game was already seen in an old magazine, but only recently we found more concepts from the project, thanks to a flickr account from an ex-DMA developer. From an article on Gamasutra we read that Kid Kirby “was to be a showcase for the SNES mouse, but the mouse did not sell that well and the game was not great when played with a joypad, so it never saw the light of day”.

Additional Kid Kirby renders were discovered on a 1995 Nintendo Source Book binder intended for retailers. These pictures were taken by Tomato and Heidi Poe of Earthbound Central.

You can find more about the Kirby series in the WiKirby!



Illusion Of Gaia / Time [SNES – Beta / Unused Stuff]

Arcane on the X-Cult forum, has posted a weird screen from an early build of Illusion of Gaia (Illusion of Time in Europe), that shows some sprites unused in the final version of the game. You can read the full topic at x-cult: Illusion of Gaia head? It seems that there’s even a beta version of the game that has been leaked online, with a different title screen, different translation, names and more stuff.

Thanks to Robert Seddon we know that the title screen (based on the Japanese title screen; completely different versions were used in the final Western releases) calls it Soul Blazer: Illusion of Gaia, whereas no officially released version of the game identifies Soul Blazer as a related game. (See HG101 for the links between S.B. and I.o.G.).

Adrien BAPTIS has made us notice about 3 beta / unused items that can be found in the ROM of the game via Action replay. (Note :names from the french version)

7E0AB405 = Mélodie Maya
(Description in-game : “Conseil du père: voir les Mayas avec la mélodie”)
7E0AB415 = Journal bleu
(Description in-game : “Journal trouvé dans l’âtre”)
7E0AB41B = Sac d’or
(Description in-game : “Récompense du Gobelet Russe”)

Jesse shared with us some more info on these unused items:

One is an un-used melody.

Another is a sac of gold.

The last one is a travel journal. I remember hearing it was Olman’s (Will’s father.)

The sac of gold of the journal were hidden behind a chimney, if I remember correctly.

If you have more infos on the beta version of Illusion Of Gaia, please let us know

Thanks to Adrien Baptis, Robert Seddon and Jesse for the contributions!



Happy Camper [NES – Unreleased]

Lost Levels has recently talked about an interesting discovery: a working proto of Happy Camper, an unreleased platform / action game that was in development by Color Dreams for the NES. It seems that the game was too hard to play.. and after some changes in the difficulty level options, it was already too late to release the title with a decent economic margin. You can check the original story at Lost Levels for more infos and screens!

Thanks to NGD for the additional screenshots!

More infos: NGD & Happy Camper Interview
