
Animal Crossing: Wild World [DS – Beta]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in the contributors list. Thanks a lot for your help! :)

ITA: Questa pagina dell’archivio non ha ancora una descrizione. Se vuoi aggiungere delle informazioni riguardo le differenze della beta o la descrizione di un gioco cancellato, lasciaci un commento o mandaci una email! Inseriremo le tue informazioni nella pagina ed il tuo nome nella lista dei collaboratori. Grazie per il tuo aiuto! :)


Dual Heroes [N64 – Beta]


Dual Heroes is a fighting game for the Nintendo 64, released in 1998 (1997 in Japan) and often mocked and criticised for being one of the worst games ever made. The HUD in the game went through some changes in the development, and looking at the old screens, we can notice at least 3 different styles of energy bars. In particular,the borders were different and there were some portraits for the characters on the sides of the screen.

Beta 01:


Beta 02:


Final version:



Kirby Super Star Ultra [DS – Beta]

Thanks to a post in our forum, Granville has made us notice about a couple of interesting differences between an early build of Kirby Super Star Ultra and the final version of the game. In the first comparison, the ground is a lot different. It’s blue and very rocky-looking in the early footage, but grassy in the final build.



Thanks to Granville for the contribution!

You can find more about the Kirby series in the WiKirby

Mega Man X [SNES – Beta / Unused]

Zero7 has linked us to an interesting topic on the Sonic Retro Forum, where GoldS has posted some unused stuff that he has found in the memory of Mega Man X, like a removed jump ability for one of the enemies, a removed boss phase, unused room entrance and an unused “jellyfish-robot”. For more infos check the original topic at SRF, props to GoldS for these finds! Also, in the Game Pro review of the game there were some screens from a removed level, that was cut after the preview-copy was sent to them. Thanks to Celine we have a scan that shows the removed white city!




For the Frog the Bell Tolls Remake [GBC – Cancelled]

Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (For the Frog the Bell Tolls) was an Adventure / Action RPG developed by  Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, released  (only in Japan) in 1992 for the original Gameboy. In 2002 a Game boy Color remake was announced by Nintendo, but it was soon cancelled, probably because of the release of the new Gameboy Advanced, that killed the final batch of GBC games. Thanks to Robert Seddon that has found some screens from this vanished GBC remake on GamesTM magazine #54, we can finally see the game in all its (cancelled) glory.

Update: It seems that these screens were just mockups made by fans of the original game and not from the remake. A GBC remake was really announced, but at this time there are still not any “official” screens from the project.

Thanks to Ita for the direct-feed screens and the informations!
