
Zool Maju Tsukai Densetsu [N64 – Beta]


Zool Majū Tsukai Densetsu (ズール ~魔獣使い伝説~, Zool Majū Tsukai Densetsu? lit. Zool: Legend of the Monster Trainer) is a role playing game for the Nintendo 64. It was released in 1999 in Japan only. This game is unrelated to the Amiga game Zool. [Infos from Wikipedia] In the early screens from the game we can notice some little differences, like the portrait of the girl on the left instead that on the right. Maybe the image that shows the map has some differences too, but we did not have play the game, so we are not sure.

Thanks to Loco for the contribution!

Beta Version:


Final Version:



Body Harvest [N64 – Beta / Unused Stuff]

The owners of a Nintendo 64 had to wait several years before being able to get their hands on this title developed by DMA Design. Body Harvest was announced as one of the first launch titles for the N64, but it was released only in October 1998 and it ended up clashing with Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Body Harvest is one of the most interesting projects for the Nintendo console, but due to the clamor for the release of the first three-dimensional Zelda, Body Harvest was missed by many gamers, as they were already too busy to play with an ocarina.

Body Harvest’s levels are huge, probably some of the bigger areas available on the 64-bit console: players can use many vehicles from small cars to powerful alien ships, to move and kill all the enemies in their path. Sadly a lot of the beta vehicles (shown in the gallery below) never made it into the final game. BH’s development team is the same one that a few years later created one of the most popular games of the last generation: GTA 3.

Perhaps if Body Harvest would have been released in a different time, it would have had a better success in sales. All the images in the gallery below are from the beta version, with different HUD, incomplete graphic and target renders. In the early version, the energy bars were oval and the radar was circled by a red line. Also, there are some unused logos created before the final one!

Missions in Japan, Hawaii and Antarctica were removed from the game or changed into the Alien Cometh, Java and Siberia. As was noticed by SilverStingray on the GameSpot Forum:

It’s interesting to note that there was originally a Japan 2010 level which looks a little bit like the comet. I guess Japan morphed into the comet when the game was struck by a speeding deadline. Also America looks a lot greener, I guess it felt too similar to Greece so the devs killed the grass.

Many interesting info on Body Harvest’s development can be found on this article by Edge:

The Body Harvest story begins a long time ago, in a small development house just outside Dundee. In 1995, Nintendo saw great potential in a game design document drawn up by DMA Design. […]

After two years of hard slog DMA eventually presented an action game to Nintendo. Unsurprisingly, it was not what Nintendo had seen in the design document and more importantly, it was not to its taste. A crack team of Nintendo experts, including a producer from the Zelda series, flew over to sort out the mess. It was suggested that the game be reincarnated as an RPG – not what DMA wanted to hear. […]

On its return home, DMA noticed a distinct pattern emerging – more bad news. Body Harvest was being developed alongside another game called Zenith – an original mix of platform and racing action. Zenith was to be canned and several people were given the unpleasantly singular option of joining the Body Harvest project. […]

If you can notice more differences in the beta images, please let us known!

Some screens from:




Gendai Dai-Senryaku: Ultimate War [64DD – Cancelled]


Officially presented at the Space World 1999, this title developed by SETA for the 64DD was a turn-based strategy game very similar to Advance Wars. The setting of Ultimate War was more realistic than the Nintendo title, but the clashes between the armies played out more or less the same. The user could move his troops on a two-dimensional map and, once came close enough to the enemy, attack with the weapons available. Then a real-time cutscene which showed the effect of the assault would start.

Ultimate War supported an online multiplayer mode for up to 4 players thanks to the Randnet network available for the 64DD. SETA postponed the release of the game several times and after the failure of the Disk Drive in 2000 UW was moved to cartridge. The change in format led to further problems for the development, like the removal of the online mode , and the end the game was cancelled.

italian_flag.jpg [spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]

Presentato ufficialmente allo Space World del 1999, questo titolo sviluppato da SETA per 64DD era uno strategico a turni, dalla struttura molto simile alla serie Advanced Wars. L’ambientazione di Ultimate War era più realistica rispetto al titolo Nintendo ma gli scontri fra le armate subivano lo stesso svolgimento. Il giocatore poteva muovere le proprie truppe su di una cartina bidimensionale ed una volta arrivato abbastanza vicino al nemico, attaccare con le armi a disposizione. A questo punto la visuale del gioco cambiava e si poteva assistere ad un filmato tridimensionale, che mostrava gli effetti dell’attacco.


Ultimate War avrebbe supportato una modalità multiplayer online fino a 4 giocatori, grazie alla rete Randnet disponibile sul 64DD. Seta ha posticipato l’uscita del gioco più volte e dopo il fallimento del Disk Drive, nel 2000 è stato modificato per essere trasferito su normale cartuccia. Il cambiamento di formato ha comportato ulteriori problemi per lo sviluppo, difficoltà di programmazione e la rimozione della modalità Online. Il passaggio su cartuccia non è purtroppo servito a molto: Ultimate War non è mai stato rilasciato, scomparendo senza spiegazioni.[/spoiler]





Wave Race Ultra 64 [Prototype]

Wave race is one of the most interesting beta for the nintendo 64, because they changed completely the original concept. In fact,The Shoshinkai 95 build, that we can see in the screenshots in this page, featured motor boats instead of jet skies, unlike the original wave race for the gameboy. The track design is very early, even though we can see some resemblances with the final versions, such as the stage with the houses that looks like a beta of the secret track of Venice.

The number of competitors was greater, perhaps because the advanced physics of the sea had not yet been implemented in its entirety and thus the engine allowed more polygonal models on the screen at the same time. Of course, the main gameplay (pass on the side of the buoys) wasn’t created yet, but the motorbots were capable of real-time morphing, as you can see in the video linked in this page. At E3 1996 Nintendo finally presented the version of the game that we all played all these years

[English translation by yota]

italian_flag.jpg [spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]

>Wave race 64 è una della beta più interessanti per gli appassionati, visto che si tratta uno dei titoli per Nintendo 64 che hanno subito più cambiamenti rispetto al concept originale. La versione presentata allo Shoshinkai 95, infatti, come potete vedere dagli screenshots presenti in questa pagina, utlizzava motoscafi piuttosto che jet-sky, a differenza dell’originale Wave Race per Game Boy. Il track design era inevitabilmente diverso, sebbene si possano notare elementi riutilizzati nel titolo definitivo, come il percorso con le case che sembra una beta del track segreto di Venezia.

Anche il numero di concorrenti era superiore, forse perchè l’avanzata fisica del mare non era ancora stata implementata nella sua totalità e permetteva un quantitativo di modelli poligonali maggiore. Non sono poi ovviamente ancora presenti le caratteristiche più interessanti di Wave race, come le boe da seguire, le varie evoluzioni con i personaggi, o anche solo l’intensa sponsorizzazione di diversi brand, che rappresenta qualcosa di decisamente inusuale per Nintendo 64. All’e3 1996, a poche settimane dal lancio del Nintendo 64, venne comunque presentata la versione definitiva, quella che abbiamo giocato e apprezzato in tutti questi anni[/spoiler]




Super Mario RPG 2 (Paper Mario) [Beta – N64]


Early beta screenshots of Paper Mario / Super Mario RPG 2 showed that Poochy was going to play some sort of role in the game. Another screenshot showed that Nep-Enuts were going to be in this game also. Also the early version of Forever Forest showed that it would be much smaller, with all the forest’s trees having sinister faces. Paper Mario was also originally going to be named Super Mario RPG 2, though due to complications involving Square Enix, the makers of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, the name was changed to Super Mario Adventure and later Paper Mario. Also, it was originally in development for the failed Nintendo 64DD. However, it was released in cartridge. A screenshot had also shown a strange, beta Whale. [Info from Mariowiki]

Also, in an Iwata Asks interview, they shared a super early Mario RPG 64 concept:

Mario RPG 64 beta Paper Mario

Yeah, we really did. And most of all it was a Mario game! We couldn’t determine the route to take with visuals. At first, we broke into teams and worked in parallel on making about three sample models.

Oh, it’s from 15 years ago on March 5, 1997.

It’s made of 3D polygons, but I drew it to have an atmosphere like that of a picture book transplanted into a video game—with paper-thin 2D background and characters.

[Thanks to Henrique Resende for the contribute with some images!]

