
Vampire Circus [N64 – Prototype]

Vampire Circus was a Gauntlet-like type of game full of vampires and zombies planned for Nintendo 64 by Zed Two who started working on it in 1996. The game was designed so that you controlled just a single character out of the five in the party, and the others would be under AI control, although you could switch which of the five you were controlling. Each had different skills and abilities, so there was good reason to swap your control between different characters, and it was also possible to lose members of your party to the vampire hoard, so you could only control members of the party that remained alive.

Zed Two got quite far with a playable prototype but when Infogrames took over Ocean, who originally struck a two games deal with the developer (the other one was Wetrix), they forced the team to work with Warner Bros properties they just bought at a great expense. The promising project was thus morphed into the less ambitious Taz Express.

All information and artworks are courtesy of Pickford Bros official website.


Aeon-Metal Fighters [GBC – Unreleased]

Aeon-Metal Fighters is an unreleased shoot ’em up that was in development by Dune team for the Gameboy Color. The project was started around 2001, all the graphics and musics are done, the code is about 70 percent finished, the main big task Dune left unfinished was the level design. The game has been frozen because of the lack of interest of publishers and the programmer had to left the project because of that. Aeon-Metal Fighters could be finished at some point if Dune ever manage to find the ressources (mainly coding) to complete it.

Aeon-Metal Fighters has 6 worlds of shooting madness packed with action and baddies, 3 unique characters with their own storyline, evil bosses and great musics from a chiptune legend (dma-sc).

Thanks to Mic/dune for the contribution!



The Adventures of Tintin [Beta – Xbox 360 / PS3 / Wii]

The Adventures of Tintin is an Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii game based off of the 2011 movie of the same name, which itself is based off of the classic book series by Herge. It’s mixed genera game that features side scrolling and 3D sections where you can control the young reporter Tintin, his faithful dog Snowy, or the drunken, but trusty sailor Captain Haddock.

First unveiled during Microsoft’s 2011 E3 conference, the game looked similar to it’s final version. There were still a couple beta differences, namely Tintin wielding a gun during the motorcycle section in the trailer as opposed to the final’s slingshot. This change was most likely done to keep the game’s E-10 rating.

Post by EmmBee


Fossil Fighters Champions [Beta – DS]

Fossil Fighters Champions is an RPG for the Nintendo DS, published by Nintendo. It takes the “monster battling” approach to extinct creatures, and has players waging battles against each other using monsters based off of dinosaurs and other paleolithic beasts. In order to find these creatures, however, they must dig up and clean fossils in order to revive them into “vivosaurs.” It is the sequel to 2009’s Fossil Fighters, and includes numerous new features, such as a tweaked battle system, new types of Fossil Rocks to clean, improved graphics and music, and, of course, a multitude of new monsters.

The game underwent numerous beta changes from when it was originally announced in Japanese, to when it was first announced in English, to its English release.

-The original Japanese trailer for the game shows a large birdlike animal inside a giant Fossil Rock. No fossil like this exists in the final game, though whether it was a cut species or a new type of fossil for an older species is unclear.
-Several battle animations differ from their final forms.
-The overworld model for Fossil Rocks dug out of the ground is different; it’s lumpier and more darkly-colored than its final version.
-The game was originally announced in English as “Super Fossil Fighters,” mirroring its Japanese name, Super Kaiseki Horida. The English trailer below shows the original logo.
-The English trailer shows the player battling Joe Wildwest much earlier than he can be fought in-game. In addition, he uses a team different from his one in-game.

Post by Freezair

Japanese Trailer:

English Trailer:


Runelords [GBC – Cancelled]

Runelords is a cancelled RPG that was in development in 1999 / 2000 by Saffire and it would have been published by Kemco for the GameBoy Color. The game was based on the fantasy book series with the same name, created by David Farland. In the universe of The Runelords, there exists a unique magical system which relies on the existence of distinct bodily attributes, such as brawn, grace, and wit. The game would have been a traditional turn based RPG, but it seems that the gameplay was not much fun. As we can read on IGN:

When we played the game at E3, we weren’t too excited by the sluggish and laborious RPG play. The game has a 3/4 view (like Mission Impossible) for the action, but just lagged in conversations, in movement, in battle, and elsewhere.

It’s possible that the publisher decided to cancel this project for quality reasons.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!
