
Chex Quest 3 [PC – Cancelled]

A “Chex Quest 3” game was made by fans of the series who were disappointed that the third had been canceled. But, rather than make entirely new levels and graphics, they stole much of them from other mods (here you can download the stolen resource list), mostly from Hacx and STRAIN. This one was noticeably harder, and when it was discovered it was a fake, it was quickly discarded.
In 2008, ten years later, Charles ‘Chukker’ Jacobi, a former member of Digital Café, the makers of the original Chex Quest, created and released Chex Quest 3, including recreations of the original two episodes. Chex Quest 3 can be downloaded here.

Post by Elian


Vanished Powers [PSX PC – Cancelled]

Vanished Powers is a cancelled action adventure / RPG that was in development in 1995 / 1996 by Neon Software (creators of Tunnel B1) and it would have been published by Ocean for the original Playstation and PC. It was going to use an isometric 2D graphic style, with prerendered backgrounds and lots of FMVs, along with more than 70 (weird) characters, modeled with Silicon Graphics. In the end the Vanished Powers was never released, but we dont know the reasons behind this decision.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution! Scans from Cd Consoles #15 and Player One #62




Beavis and Butthead [Arcade – Prototype / Unreleased]

Alongside the SNES, Gameboy, Genesis and Game Gear versions, Viacom was set to release an arcade game based off of MTV’s Beavis and Butthead animated series. It was never released (and upon analyzing the videos and screenshots available, I could not make out a copyright date), but a handful of prototype cabinets are known to exist.

Post by Harley Schaffer

Videos of the prototype cabinet:


Kuma Soldier [PC-FX – Cancelled]

Kuma Soldier is a cancelled shooter in the famous Star Soldier series, planned for PC-FX (to not be confused with Super Star Soldier 3D also planned for PC-FX). As you can see from the short video below (taken from a promotional video made by NEC to promote the then brand-new system) the game provided a time attack mode, but it is unclear if it offered other gaming modes. CD Consoles magazine issue 5 cited how the game in early 1995 was only 20% complete. We can speculate that Hudson Soft cancelled Kuma Soldier when the PC-FX proved to be a failure in the japanese market.

As noticed by users of the Rising Stuff Forum, it seems that Hudson used some of the Kuma Soldier concepts to create Star Soldier R for WiiWare.

Article by Celine!




Gore [C64 PC ST – Cancelled]

Gore is a cancelled side scrolling action game planned to be released for Amiga/PC/ST in 1990,  in development by DMA Design and published by Psignosis. The project was canned early in development when it became obvious that there wasn’t enough memory for all the graphics. Some images from this lost game were shared online by Mike Daily on his Flickr account, other scans and info are from Javalemmings and PsygnosisAmiga!

Post by Elian
