
Super Burn Out [Jaguar – Beta]

Super Burnout is a superbike racing game developed by Shen Technologies SARL and published for the Jaguar by Atari Corporation / Virtual Xpérience in 1995. Before the game was finished, it was simply called Burn Out and this beta version is in the hand of some collector. As we can read from the video uploaded on Youtube by viMasterJag:

I’ve noticed only a few differences between this & the commercial version. One being the title screen is clearly different. The setup options are slightly different and the beta is missing one of the game modes from the final release.

Thanks to Adam for the contribution!



Tekken (Rave War) [Arcade – Beta]

Tekken is the first of a series of fighting games with the same name, but originally in the beta it was going to be titled “Rave War” as seen in a scan from EGM issue 65. The game was developed by Namco and released at arcades in late 1994 and on the PlayStation in 1995. In another scan with concept arts taken from the Tekken Chronicle book, you can see very old / different versions of several Tekken characters. LeeChaolan was originally a silver haired brute, Nina looks like an Elf, and Kazuya looked a lot beefier than he does now.

Thanks to Celine for the EGM scan!


Primal Rage 2 [Arcade – Cancelled]

Primal Rage 2 is a cancelled fighting game that was in development in 1995 / 1996 by Atari for the Arcades. As we can read on Wikipedia, the game was to feature new characters that took on the form of humans and were called the Avatars, instead of the beasts / dinosaurs of the first title. During the development something went wrong and in the end Primal Rage 2 was never released. It’s currently unknown how much of the game was finished before the cancellation.

As it should be well known, this game has been leaked online. Although, it is currently unplayable.

Thanks to kieranmay for the contribution!



Ultimate Brain Games [Jaguar – Cancelled]

Ultimate Brain Games is a cancelled collection of board games (as chess) that was in development by CrazyAce for the Jaguar. It seems that the project was canned in early development and only an alpha video was shared by viMasterJag on his Youtube Channel. As we can read from the video description:

I would have to call this an Alpha release. I don’t know exactly what the developer would classify it as, but that’s my take on the situation. This is Ultimate Brain Games, an unreleased product for the Atari Jaguar. It was never produced commercially, nor was it ever finished, I don’t think. We’re lucky to have its developer, CrazyAce, provide us with a playable version, though.

Thanks to Adam for the contribution!



Brett Hull NHL Hockey [Jaguar – Beta / Unreleased]

Brett Hull NHL Hockey was developed in 1994 by Accolade Inc. and Ringler Studios. There was going to be a version for both the cartridge and Jaguar CD add-on although they were never released in the Jaguar’s lifetime. To avoid licensing issues the name of the proto has been changed and released as “Jaguar Hockey”. This game became legendary to have the longest loading times out of all the other Jaguar CD games.

As we can read from the description of the video in viMasterJag’s Youtube Channel:

Brett Hull NHL Hockey is another unfinished game for the Atari Jaguar. We’ve been lucky to have it released in cartridge form, though, by B&C Computervisions.

Differences from this to the cartridge version include, but are not limited to, bug-fixes as well as full-motion-video cut-scenes.

Thanks to Adam for the contribution!
