
Alone [PC – Alpha / Proto]

Alone is a cancelled horror FPS that was in development by Red Paperclip Games for about a year. After they completed an alpha build, new funding caused Alone to go from the Game Maker Engine to the CryEngine2 Engine, but sadly after about three months work stopped abruptly.

Today Alone no longer exists and there is very little reference to it on the Red Paperclip Games website, but thanks to Archive.org it’s still possible to read an old page on the project:

ALONE was first going to be a test game to say that I could complete a game. Well through some thinking I came to like ALONE. At first I had no name so I came up with ALONE to describe your state. ALONE started to attach to me more until I put time and effort into the game. Now I am always working on ALONE wherever I go. I also managed to pick up a few people on the way.

Dr. Rick Hauss has performed biological test to create a new enhancement for the U.S. armed forces. The new enhancement is known as the HGE or Human Genetic Enhancement. In the process of making it, Dr. Hauss accidentaly created a new virus. This new virus was known as the Z Virus. This virus would take over dead cells and bring back their living properties. The effects on brain cells allowed the virus to control the body. Before Dr. Hauss realized it, he had already tested on five subjects. The first four died and were brought back from the virus.

The final experiment survived. After the four experiments killed everyone but Dr. Hauss in Bio Labs, they spread out to take over the Norton Military base. The effects of the HGE causes increase in strength, agility and intelligence. Although the subject also obtains permanent amnesia. The final experiment is Seth Thomas. His body has a natural immunity from the virus.

The player will play as Seth Thomas through the game ALONE as he uncovers the truth behind the HGE.

A very early Alpha of Alone was somehow leaked online: in this build there are many bugs and everything is a place holder texture: not much of the first area is in this,  but it is all that is left. An interesting view on the early development of a lost game.

Hidden in the Alpha code it’s possible to find 6 levels:

Livello 1 = environment test
Livello 2 = vehicle test
Livello 3 = enemy test (same as lv 2)
Livello 4 = full level test (same as lv 2)
Livello 5 = secret boss (empty lv)
Livello 6 = cutscene test
LucaPM was able to patch this Alpha to run it better! Also, all the patches includes a GM8 total rewrite,so this ensures compatibility with Windows Vista/7. Download (via Megaupload):

Hei$t (Heist) [X360/PS3/PC – Cancelled]

Heist (HEI$T) is a cancelled action game that was in development by inXile Entertainment and would have been published by Codemasters for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game was to be set in San Francisco, California, circa 1969, where the players would have been able to control a group of criminals as they perform various thefts. In January 2010 Codemasters announced that the game had been officially cancelled, as we can read on CVG:

“After a much extended development period, Heist has been terminated as a project and removed from our release schedule,” a Codemasters spokesperson told CVG.

“Codemasters is focusing its future portfolio on high quality titles that will, in the majority, be developed and produced by our internal studios.”

Some more info on Heist’s gameplay can be found in the original press release:

In addition to knocking off banks, each with their own set security precautions, throughout the city, players will be highly motivated to pull off further jobs. These include raiding bars, restaurants, strip clubs, armoured cars, and more in order to acquire the bigger and better tools needed to penetrate the increasingly more difficult banks.

Thanks to Robert Seddon and Landlock for the contribution!




Let’s Go Jungle! [Arcade – Beta]

Let’s Go Jungle is an arcade light gun shooter published by Sega in Japan in 2006 for the Lindbergh hardware system. In this game players have to shoot down various monsters ranging from a towering praying mantis, mutant frogs and blood-sucking leeches, while they attack these tourists en route through river rapids, cavern ruins, bluffs and more.

Kieranmay was able to notice many beta differences in an early promo trailer:

1. when it tells you to steer the icon intructions are presented differently.

2. the part where you shoot those dragon flys has a stone cliff on the left hand side of the screen in the final version.

3. the scene where the couple realise there heading towards a cliff “what?! theres a cliff”scream and hold on to each other is not present, it goes straight to the action button scene.

4. the water in the swamp scene the couple are walking through is orange/murcky brown colour but in the final version it’s clear.

5. the scene where your on the river shooting those bugs on water are a dark colour but in the final version they’re lime green.

6. the direction icons are red and white but in the final they are either just blue or red depending on which player gets instructions.

7. the frogs that jump out of the water were jumping out much faster in the beta and were a light green but in the final they jump out thats easier for the player to shoot and are green and yellow.

8. the scene where you’re sliding down in the cave you don’t hear gun bullets ricocheting off the sides in the cave like in the final version.

9. other difference in the cave going down the slideis in the final version you have to shoot at the stone tights or you will get hurt but in the beta you don’t shoot them and you don’t get hurt, you just go past them on the way down.

10. the level sumary is different at the end of each level you complete as shown in the video.

Thanks to Kieranmay for the contribution!



Street Fighter 1 [Arcade – Beta / Proto]

The original Street Fighter made its debut in the arcades in 1987. It was designed by Capcom’s Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto. The player took control of martial artist Ryu, who competed in a worldwide martial arts tournament, spanning five countries and ten opponents. [Info from Wikipedia]

Street Fighter 1 went through some changes between the prototype and the final, some of the more notable changes is the main character Ryu’s victory pose has changed from prototype to final, some of the characters not programed into the game, and no voices for the game. Below is a list of noticeable changes, with the help of  Torentsu who was kind enough to do a little digging into the coding, so please if you see him on the U64 Forums, please give him a pat on the back.

The prototype version:

* No Demo Mode, goes to high score table and then back to the title screen
* There are different colors used in the high score table.
* Title Screen animation is different
* Is buggy
* No voice samples.
* Characters share stage music.
* Ryu’s victory pose is different.
* Every sound effect is different from the final.
* Different intro/outro music.
* Instead of best 2 out of 3, you must win a best 3 out of 6
* There is a typo on the victory screen, “Rut Don’t Forget…” instead of  “But Don’t Forget…”.
* There’s no level select, it just goes down a list of fighters.
* The Hurricane Kick isn’t in the game.
* The Build Date is earlier than the final, possibly a demo version of the game
* Enemies are missing from the beta, but the stage maps are there, and there are some differences between the beta and final.

Below is a video comparing gameplay from the prototype build to the final, note some of the changes are shown. If you have any information about this prototype, let us know in the comments.



Joe [PSP/N-gage – Cancelled]

Joe is a cancelled action game that was in development by HumanSoft in 2003, for the N-Gage and PSP. Originally the studio produced a Renderware tech demo to pitch Joe for the N-Gage, but a PSP version was also planned. The 2 screens preserved in the gallery below are probably target renders for the N-Gage version and it’s unknown how much the game was progressed before being abandoned. Probably HumanSoft never found a publisher interested in their project and Joe had to be canned.

As we can read from the original press-release on IGN:

Joe is a “commando-type action-platform game”, Joe will boast four single-player missions with up to eight different levels per stage. Throughout the course of his adventure, Joe will make use of his hand-to-hand combat skills as he battles it out against a group of terrorists who have overtaken military bases, invaded important office buildings, and hijacked various trains, boats, and airplanes.


Additional details are still forthcoming, though it has been confirmed that Joe will utilize the PSP’s linking feature and support up to four players at the same time. A publisher has yet to be named.

Thanks to Userdante for the contribution!
