Turrican is a 1990 video game programmed by Manfred Trenz. It was first developed for the Commodore 64 by Rainbow Arts, but was ported to other systems later. Turrican 3D was intended to bring Turrican into the third dimension in 1999, but it was never released because publisher THQ stopped the development. Screenshots and videos show how the world of Turrican would have
Blood [PC – Beta / Prototype]
Blood is a FPS developed by Monolith Productions and distributed by GT Interactive. Released for the PC on 31 May 1997, it utilized the first Build engine from Ken Silverman to feature voxels. [Infos from Wikipedia]
Conrad Coldwood has linked us to an interesting website, in which we can find “lots of downloads regarding Blood: early betas, official screenshots, leaks and press shareware. Binaries perfectly works under DOS Box and offer a very different game than the final release.”
Personally i have never played the final game, so i cannot find all the differences that there are in these early builds, but if someone would like to try to compare them to the final version and make a list of the changes, it would be really appreciated!
Thanks a lot to Conrad Coldwood for the contribution!
Tower of Goo Unlimited [Wii – Concept]
Tower of Goo Unlimited is the original prototype, made some years ago, of World of Goo, a famous indie game for Pc and Wiiware. Even if you can create only a tower in this concept, the basic gameplay and the graphic style are essentially the same as the released version. There is a level called “Tower of Goo” in the final game, but it is much more technically refined.
2dboy has a prototype section about the development of World of Goo.
Momma Can I Mow The Lawn? [Gizmondo – Cancelled]
Momma Can I Mow The Lawn? was a video game which started off in development for formats such as the PlayStation 2, but after the developer Warthog Games was purchased by Tiger Telematics to produce titles for the Gizmondo handheld console, it became a Gizmondo exclusive. Tiger Telematics went bankrupt in February 2006, and the status of this game is publicly unknown.
An article from GamesAsylum.com reads: “It’s a driving title in which the vehicle of choice is a ride-on lawn mower. Why? Because you’ve found a machine which can convert grass into fuel which you can get money for. There are various places to mow, and various things trying to stop you, including gnomes which come alive at night.” [Infos from Wikipedia]
Thanks to Gamepopper101 for the contribution!
World in Conflict [X360/PS3/PC – Unused Cutscene]
On fasddd Youtube Channel we can see this WiC Washington Cinematic taken from the behind the scenes DVD. It seems that this video was not used in the final game. Someone has any more infos?