
Lifeline (Konami) [PC – Cancelled]

The Japanese Lifeline (AKA Operator’s Side) could have become another clone of Resident Evil (a special forces girl, a spaceship full of monsters …), if not for one feature: the main character was guided by only one voice. In the PS2 version, which was released in 2004, the game understood up to 5000 words, that is, the player could give complex orders like “shoot the nearest monster in the head, step back two steps.” With numerous NPCs, communication also took place through voice.

The sales were satisfactory, but it was obvious that such an idea would not go far. And it turned out to be difficult for the players to have a continuous conversation with the game for several hours. As a result, Konami had to abandon porting the game to PC (by the way, the demo version was preserved on the Web), and Lifeline remained in history as an unusual game ahead of its time.

Information is taken from «Игромания» magazine, 03 (114) 2007


Hardwired [PC – Cancelled]

Hardwired from Novalogic was about postapocalyptic world filled with smugglers and gangs in Mad Max style. Player will be in role of a smuggler that will transport various goods on the black martket from zone to zone. Police or pirates will try to prevent player from doing it, so for the player will be important in what condition is players vehicle, known as Panzer, a mix between hovercratf and tank. After succesfull mission payment is done and player will be able to upgrade its hovercraft.

Game was going to be made after a cult novel of the same name, Hardwired, by Walter Jon Williams from 1986.

Novalogic set up a new studio in London to develop Hardwired.
Game was sadly cancelled mainly because
Wired magazine started a lawsuit against developers , where name Wired was the main concern. More info is on a screenshot in gallery of an article from 1997.

Only a few beaufiful concept art screens now remain from this interesting game. 

Defenders (Digital Fun Studio) [PC – Cancelled]

Defenders is an unreleased tactical slasher set in an alternative medieval world (announced in 2002). The main character at one point decides that “it is impossible to live like this”, leaves his homeland and joins the crusader detachment. As part of a detachment, he fights the Vikings in England and takes part in the first crusades.

As we can read news on gamez.ru  for 17.10.2003:

The protagonist of Defenders lives in a village in a small European country. At one of the stages of his life he decides to devote himself to a military career, joins a crusader unit and leaves his homeland, setting out on a distant, full of dangers adventure. On his way the young warrior is waiting for fierce clashes and large-scale battles, he will visit a lot of interesting places and meet amazing people, see distant countries and encounter mystical, fantastic creatures described in ancient myths and legends.


The developers highlight the following key features in the game Defenders:

  • An interesting story that tells the story of a medieval warrior’s martial journey.
  • Four large-scale episodes: England (battles with the Vikings), Germany (the beginning of the Crusade), Asia Minor (storming cities, suppressing rebellion) and Jerusalem (march on the city and its storming).
  • Simple, intuitive interface.
  • Optimal and logical character generation and development system.
  • Carefully designed physics and character animation.
  • Realistic damage system.
  • A unique approach to single-player mode construction: the player gets an opportunity not to stand above the battle, but to be in the very heart of it.
  • Large-scale battle scenes.
  • Dynamic squad battles.
  • An elaborate model of squad mates’ behavior, the ability to influence their behavior.
  • Large arsenal of cold, stabbing and percussive weapons.
  • Dynamic multiplayer game, inheriting the basic principles of the best representatives of the genre, but with a significant number of additions and innovations.
  • Possibility to pass the game together (in cooperative mode).
  • Special arenas for multiplayer matches between units controlled by several players in multiplayer mode.
  • Support of a wide range of video gas pedals.
  • High-quality modern graphics and atmospheric music and sound design.


Defenders will be released in Q4 2004.

In terms of gameplay, it was supposed to be something like a “knightly” Medal of Honor. The player fought in the same formation with other knights, carried out the orders of the commander, and subsequently received a whole squad under his command. The project was promising, but due to technical problems it never came out.

Information is taken from gamez.ru website and Igromania magazine, issue 02(113) 2007

There are absolutely no screenshots or materials about this project on the Internet, only mentions in magazines and sites like this. If you have something, let us know!