
Earth No More [Cancelled]

Earth No More is a cancelled FPS that was in development from 2007 to 2009 by Recoil Games (a studio based in Finland and founded by Remedy Entertainment co-founder Samuli Syvahuoko), using UE3 game engine, and it would have been published by 3D Realms / Radar Group for Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Earth No More would have been set in a small New England town quarantined due to a mysterious environmental apocalypse. Sadly the development had to be stopped because Recoil Games had some financial problems. After a while, they were able to create a new game, Rochard, that was released as a digital title for PC, Mac and PS3, but it’s currently unknown if Earth No More will ever be resurrected for current-gen consoles. You can find more about Earth No More on Wikipedia, IGN and Gamasutra.




Atari Karts [Jaguar – Beta]

Atari Karts is a Mario Kart-style racing game for Atari Jaguar published by Atari Games and developed by Miracle Designs Ltd. The game music was composed in 1994 by Fabrice Gillet in Protracker on an Amiga. Both he and the people who created the in-game artwork are not listed in the game’s credits at the end of the game. The manual refers to them as the “Miracle Designs Team”. [Info from Wikipedia]

Gamepopper101 has found a beta video of the game from viMasterJag’s YT Channel. Some of the differences shown in the video should be:

  • Different title theme
  • Different character on title screen (final release is Bently Bear)
  • Menu screen is different (but uses the same text font)
  • No Background on menu screen
  • Three characters not found in final version: Pum King, Firebug, Miracle Man (?)
  • Character selection screen is also different
  • Missing stages (?)
  • Camera moves to back of player differently in beta (it moves like in Super Mario Kart in the final version) (?)
  • Possible different music in stages (?)

Thanks to Gamepopper101 for the contribution!


Neverhood 3? [Concept – PC?]

The Neverhood is a point and click adventure game made by Doug TenNapel and released for PC by DreamWorks Studios in 1996.

Two years later a 2d platform game called Skullmonkey, which it was intended as a sequel of the first game, was created by the same developers for PSX.  It was a commercial failure, and so the IP was quickly forgotten by the producer.

However in 2012 sketches probably intended for a new game in the series appeared in a Neverhood fan forum. You can see those concept arts in the gallery below.


Fallen Frontier [PC / XBLA / PSN – Cancelled]

Fallen Frontier is a 2d shooter developed by Moonshot Games which was supposed to be released for PC, XBLA and PSN. As we can see from the video and the screenshots below, it seems that the game was directly inspired by Bionic Commando, inasmuch as the main character could use his grappling hook to pull enemies and to swing across gaps. An offline and online co-op mode was also planned.

It looked quite interesting, but unfortunately Moonshot Games decided to cancel Fallen Frontier in 2013  because, as we can read on joystiq, they wanted to focus on mobile and social games instead:

Post-PAX we came to the grim realization that the market had shifted pretty substantially since we first started working on the game,” Isla said. “The console downloadable platforms had plateaued somewhat, and publishers were less excited about investing there. A game that had sold itself easily the first two times all of a sudden became a much harder sell the third time. By that time, the real interest and the accompanying dollars seemed to had moved on to mobile and social.”

For more informations check the co-optimus hands-on.




INCorporated [PC, Xbox 360 – Tech Demo / Cancelled]

INCorporated is a cancelled multiplayer first person shooter set in a gritty Orwellian future that was in development by Galahan Games for the PC and (maybe?) the Xbox 360. The game started out as a Far Cry (Crytek CryEngine 1) modification and Galahan Games released a tech demo using that engine in early 2005. This tech demo demonstrated some of the 3D character models they were designing for the game. As development continued, they moved the game to Artificial Studios’ Reality Engine and released a new tech demo in late 2005. This Reality Engine tech demo allowed the player to explore a small city level and experiment with the world’s physics and a small amount of weapons. It also showed off the world’s day/night cycle. Unfortunately, the game was ultimately cancelled and the Reality Engine was sold to Epic Games in 2005. You can download everything that remains from this lost game (concept art, movies, tech demos, etc.) from this link

