The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion [X360/PS3/PC – Beta]

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an action RPG developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and the Take-Two Interactive subsidiary 2K Games. [Infos from Wikipedia]

Ace.dark posted an interesting topic in our forum, in which he explain that thanks to the Elder Scrolls Construction Set and the use of the Developers Console (brought up by pressing ~ on your keyboard) it’s possible to find the removed Kvatch area that was shown at E3 2005, still hidden in the final game! It seems that there are even some unused items, areas and enemies that were forgotten in the code.

If you have the PC version of the game you can download this file that adds some of the spells and items not normally available to normal users. In the Imperial City in the market district, there is a shop keep that will sell the beta items in Merchants Inn, he is always there but does not always sell the same items.

Thanks a lot to Ace.dark for the contribution!


Part of an interesting demonstration of the beta. This demonstrates the original intentions for Radiant AI. Radiant AI was cut back before release because it was difficult to keep the game world from falling apart.


Black Isle’s Torn [PC – Cancelled]

Black Isle’s Torn is a computer role-playing game developed for Windows by Black Isle Studios, announced on March 2001 and cancelled in July of that year. The game was to use a modified version of the SPECIAL role-playing system, which had been implemented in the Fallout series.

Developed on various editions of the Lithtech engine, Torn possessed features unseen in previous Black Isle Studios games, such as 3D graphics and real-time camera movement.

In July 2001, after circulation of rumors, Torn was officially cancelled.Following the incident, fifty-six members of Black Isle Studios’ staff were laid off. The ultimate reason for Torn’s cancellation was eventually revealed by Feargus Urquhart:

“I don’t know if we ever released an official reason on why [Torn] was canceled, but in a nutshell, the game was canceled because it was not going to be done in time to get Interplay the revenue the company needed to continue operations. That sounds like it was all Interplay’s fault, but that’s really not the case. The project was not going well and continued to be an ongoing challenge.”

The delays were caused by numerous engine upgrades and large problems with pathfinding, due to the team’s inexperience with 3D engines. [Infos from Wikipedia]

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!




Turrican 3D [PC – Cancelled]


Turrican is a 1990 video game programmed by Manfred Trenz. It was first developed for the Commodore 64 by Rainbow Arts, but was ported to other systems later. Turrican 3D was intended to bring Turrican into the third dimension in 1999, but it was never released because publisher THQ stopped the development. Screenshots and videos show how the world of Turrican would have  

Blood [PC – Beta / Prototype]

Blood is a FPS developed by Monolith Productions and distributed by GT Interactive. Released for the PC on 31 May 1997, it utilized the first Build engine from Ken Silverman to feature voxels. [Infos from Wikipedia]

Conrad Coldwood has linked us to an interesting website, in which we can find “lots of downloads regarding Blood: early betas, official screenshots, leaks and press shareware. Binaries perfectly works under DOS Box and offer a very different game than the final release.”

Personally i have never played the final game, so i cannot find all the differences that there are in these early builds, but if someone would like to try to compare them to the final version and make a list of the changes, it would be really appreciated!

Thanks a lot to Conrad Coldwood for the contribution!


Tower of Goo Unlimited [Wii – Concept]


Tower of Goo Unlimited is the original prototype, made some years ago, of World of Goo, a famous indie game for Pc and Wiiware. Even if you can create only a tower in this concept, the basic gameplay and the graphic style are essentially the same as the released version. There is a level called “Tower of Goo” in the final game, but it is much more  technically refined.

2dboy has a prototype section about the development of World of Goo.

