The Bloody Magic [XBOX – Cancelled]

The Bloody Magic is an RPG that was in development by Sky Fallen Entertainment in 2003, for the original XBOX. In the game we would have been able to play as a magician, with more than 12 different specialized fields of magic, to fight the bad guy or to join him to destroy the world. Multiplayer was planned too, with coop and versus.  The game was later released as “Dawn of Magic” on PC, but the XBOX version was cancelled.

Thanks to Markgreyam for the contribution!




Irisu Syndrome [PC – Unused Stuff / Concept Art]

Irisu Syndrome is a freeware game developed by a small developer group in Japan, a English patch about 1 year later the game was released.
The game consists to match up blocks with the same color making chains. As long you progress, a better story you might obtain. The game is classified as Puzzle and Challenging. And to many people, is considered as creepy.

The game have been making since 2006 (shows a hidden configuration file):

# 2006/02/19 by‚Ä‚Â
# œ–½—߈ꗗ

^Notice, buggy Japanese letters above
And many leftovers are present in the game, including, concept arts they used to make the game. Many of the game stories are based on the concept arts. There are 5 concept arts in total:

This seems to be a image previous than the first one. As it translated, it shows it’s not completed.

Edit: By the name of the file “irisukai_04.jpg”), it seems this file WOULD appear in the story mode (you can collect papers in metsu mode along you match good scores and chains). The other used files are “irisukai_01/02/03/05/06”. 

BloodBath [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3]

Update: some years later, the game was released on Steam

BloodBath is an unreleased action game / brawler set in a post-apocalyptic future, that was in development by Freedom Factory Studios for Xbox Live Arcade (Xbox 360) and PSN (Playstation 3). Players would have been able to chose from differents characters and classes, with their own set of combos and special abilities, to fight in combat pits full of deathly traps and hazards all around the world. Single Player, Coop-Mode and Versus Multiplayer were all planned. BloodBath was pitched around to various publishers, but sadly they were not able to find one.

Only some screens from this lost game are archived below, to preserve its existence.


High School Heroes [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC]

High School Heroes is an unreleased beat’em up / Action Adventure that was in development from 2010 to 2011 by Freedom Factory Studios for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. The game would have had 3 main playable characters, each of them with their own superheroic skills and abilities. Players would have been able to explore the levels to lead a rebellion in planet Tyrannia, in 6 different main missions, each one with its own setting. High School Heroes looked promising, but even if a playable prototype was finished, they did not find a publisher interested in the project so they had to cancel it, at least for now.

Only some screens and concept arts are archived below, to preserve the existence of this lost game.



Desperados Gangs [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3 / PSvita / PC]

Desperados Gangs is a cancelled tactical action game that was in development by Spellbound Entertainment, as a new chapter in the Desperados series. This new game was planned to be released for Xbox 360’s Live Arcade, PS3 & PSvita’s PSN, Smartphones and PC Digital Download but sadly they were not able to find a publisher to fund the project.

Desperados Gangs was going to have a more deeper multiplayer gameplay, with VS and coop modes, online and offline options, different character classes to chose from and AI-controlled mercenaries to recruit. Players would have been able to chose from 5 different classes: the Gunfighter, the Brawler, the Healer, the Engineer and the Spy, while keeping in mind that cooperation would be extremely important to achieve the different objectives, as sabotage or rescue missions.

What they planned for Desperados Gangs was to play it something like Lead & Gold or Team Fortress 2 to evolve the series, with the option to make the game more “steampunk”, to be able to have new styles of weapons, features, ect.

Only few artworks from Desperados Gangs are archived in the gallery below, to preserve its lost existence.


Videos from Desperados 3:

Videos from Lead & Gold: