
Final Fight: Seven Sons [PS2 – Cancelled]


FF: Seven Sons was a prototype for a new Final Fight game that was in development at Capcom Studio 8 before FF: Streetwise. In fact Streetwise was the second attempt for a Ps2 Final Fight. The original FF project for the PS2 was know as “Final Fight: Seven Sons”, but it was never released. The camera in Seven Sons was set on a cambox principle that roughly “imitated” a railcam system and the feel was similar to playing the old 2D games.  It felt very much like a traditional Final Fight incarnation that had leaped from 2D to 3D. The game had a cel shaded graphic, with toonish gritty backgrounds.

When told by corporate that, “The game while fun to play, was visually not suited for its core audience”. The message was misinterpreted by the team as saying, “We don’t like it at all, continue with the brawler aspect with a theme American gamers could appreciate”. The original gameplay core that was established with Seven Sons was swept away making way for “Streetwise”, (Mass urban thug appeal in an already over-saturated market) and it was all downhill from there. Even with a fun playable beta, Final Fight: Seven Sons was cancelled because of marketing decisions and the released FF: Streetwise was very different from what the team had originally in mind.




Magic Karts [PS2 – Cancelled]

Magic Karts is  a cancelled racing game that was in development in 2000/2001 by Paradigm Entertainment for Playstation 2, planned to be a spiritual sequel to Beetle Adventure Racing, one of the most interesting Nintendo 64 racing games. Even if this would have not used Volkswagen New Beetles brand of cars as the first game, Magic Karts would have probably have huge levels to explore while racing again other CPU cars (or friends in multiplayer mode), with colorful tracks full of secrets and hidden shortcuts. Unfortunately the game was never released, probably because Paradigm never found a publisher interested in this game.

Thanks a lot to Hey Hey for the link!


Mortal Kombat 4 [ARC DC N64 PSX – Beta]


Mortal Kombat 4 is considered the 4th intallment of the Mortal Kombat series, 6th if you count MK3U and MKT. Released in 1997, it was the first MK game to use 3D graphics. It was first released in the arcade version and it would be the last arcade MK made. It was released on the N64, Playstation and PC in 1998, ported by Eurocom. An updated version was released on Dreamcast in 1999 called Mortal Kombat Gold, which was identical with the exception of better graphics, added players and a few more stages.

A new character named Belokk was intended to appear in Mortal Kombat Gold, but was cut from the released game. The developer of the game, Eurocom, sent information about the game with Belokk to Game Informer, and as a result, six screenshots of him were published. According to Ed Boon, Belokk was cut due to time constraints during development. Despite the mention of Belokk’s scrap, he was still rumored to appear as a secret character. [Infos from Wikipedia]

Actual secret characters can be accessed via rotating a specific box for a normal character, however when a player do this to Tanya’s box a question mark that was rumored to unlock Belokk appears, but it unlock nothing.

Since it was the first Midway 3D fighting game, the staff had many difficulties while in development, partly due to the fact the staff had doubled in size. Which means many changes were made and many interesting aspects were taken out.

Differences from the arcade version to the N64 version would include: Lower pixel rate and additions such as Goro being a playable character, extra costumes, and another arena called Ice Pit.

Pre-release trailers show Reptile and Fujin with God-O-Mite as their name in the lifebars. More then likely this was before they got to the name detail.

Kitana, Noob Saibot and Kano were orignally going to be in MK4. Kitana was then changed to Tanya. Noob saibot was taken in and out many times and replaced with Reiko. Jarek replaced Kano and for some reason was left with Kano’s moves, which caused many fans to complain because Jarek was hardly original. Noob Saibot can be accessed in the N64 version by a cheat, but was never in the Arcade. These characters were taken out mainly because Midway wanted more new characters in the game.

The hidden character Meat was originaly intended for testing.

Thanks to Pachuka and Sir_Brando for the contributions!



Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune [PS3 – Beta / Tech Demo]

At GDC 2008 Naughty Dog showed an interesting video about the development of Uncharted, (aka Project Big) with some footage from beta-test levels and a different character design for Nathan “Nate” Drake. Even Elena Fisher underwent changes during development: in the early version the character had dark brown hair, but in the final version the color changed to blonde and the face was altered.

Thanks to trainer15side and Juanan for the contributions!




GTA 1 / Race’n’Chase [Playstation – Beta / Prototype]

Race N Chase was the original project name for the now famous Grand Theft Auto serie, when it was still just a concept in the DMA Design‘s minds. Thanks to Mikedaily Flickr account we can see a nice mockup from the early development of the first game. And here one of the first versions of the game that was posted on Mike Daily’s page some time ago.


This was drawn by Mike to see better isometric rendering in the 1st GTA prototype.
