TimeSplitters is a FPS developed by Free Radical Design (now known as Crytek UK) and published by Eidos on October 2000 in North America as a PlayStation 2 launch game. Below you can see are a couple of beta videos of the original Time Splitters, that seem to have some differences from the final version!
Thanks a lot to pacloser97 that noticed some of the beta stuff in the first video below:
The differences I am noticing are, in the full game there is a crosshair, the the guns move when turning, the first laser weapon shown seems to have a little less of a tint of red in the full game, the weapon shown at 0:36 doesn’t look like its final version counterpart, the level shown at 0:51 doesn’t look like its in the full game 0:55 also looks like a whole new level as well, at 1:31 at the top left screen the sniper isn’t in the full game.
Thanks to MicroChirp for the contribution!