
Ni-Oh [PS3 – Cancelled]


Ni-Oh, a buddhist term for a deva king, is a cancelled game from Koei that was meant to be released for the PlayStation 3 in 2007. The game was set in a warring state era of feuding war lords. The main character was Ni-Oh, a blonde-haired military commander, son of a foreign woman and a Japanese man, that casts himself into a fierce battle to carve destiny. Probably early in the development, Koei have decided to cancel Ni-Oh to concentrate on other projects. [Info from Wikipedia]




Grandia [Beta – Saturn / Playstation]


In the archive of Vast Lands of Grandia we can see some screenshots from a beta build of Grandia, which shows some changes from the final version. At this point the story was probably not finished yet, because there were some scenes not present in the released version, like Justin that falls from a rock in the volcano, a tank used against our heroes, Java absent from the cart in the mines and a mysterious rock that resembles a turtle. Other interesting details are the beta battle hud and the unusually high point of view of a city (New Parm?).

For more informations check the VLoG beta page! Huge props to them :)



Rayman 2: The Great Escape [Beta]


The_IT_08 has wrote a topic in our forum with some beta-screens and a video from Rayman 2 that shows a series of differences. As he says: “Alright in the first picture  there is a level called The Minhir Hills, it is a beta version of it, and this takes place in the second section of this level I think (because the walking shell’s starting point which is now the doghouse is close to the thorn pit). The differences are that there wasn’t a giant orange mushroom in there and the place where the walking shell comes from was not a doghouse. And there was a purple  

Darknet [Saturn, Playstation, PC – Cancelled]

Darknet (sometimes written Dark Net) was given a tiny preview in the August 1995 issue of Sega Power, in “Video Games The Ultimate Gaming Magazine” (Issue 90 July 1996) and in EGM 83, and aside from a small screenshot and some concept art, very little is said about the game. From the lone screenshot, it seems to be an isometric adventure game, similar to Diablo, but with a fairly unique plot, with four students being sucked into the internet itself and fighting against the titular Darknet. The game was developed by American Softworks for PC, Playstation and Saturn, scheduled for ‘some yet-to-be-decided date’ and never released.
