
NICO: Shadow Of The Colossus [PS2 – Proto]


With a team of thirty-five people, Shadow of the Colossus began development in 2002 under the project name “Nico” and was intended to be a direct sequel to Ico. The name “Nico” itself is a portmanteau of the Japanese word ni (“two”) and “Ico”. An early technology demo for the project shown at the DICE Summit in 2003 depicted a group of masked, horned boys riding horses while attacking and defeating a colossus. However, Fumito Ueda expressed that, at the time, it was simpler to reuse the character design of Ico’s protagonist, and that he never explicitly desired a sequel to Ico. Japanese pre-orders of Shadow of the Colossus later included a bonus DVD with the concept video, a trailer describing Nico’s plot, and an introduction the development team states they wanted to use in Shadow of the Colossus. [info from Wikipedia]

If you are interested, you can read more about Shadow of the Colossus Beta and see some of the removed colossi that were created during the development of the game.



Daredevil: The Man Without Fear [XBOX/PS2 – Cancelled]

Daredevil: The Man Without Fear was a third person action game developed by 5000 Ft Inc. with the backing of publisher, Encore. It was being made for Playstation 2, Xbox and PC. The game was cancelled in 2004 following a slew of creative disagreements over its direction both internally at 5000 Ft. and between two of the project’s integral parties, Marvel and Sony.


Traxion [PSP – Cancelled]

Traxion was a rhythm game for the PlayStation Portable by British developer Kuju Entertainment. It was scheduled to be released in Q4 2006 by LucasArts, but was cancelled in January 2007. The game was to feature a number of minigames, and would support imported songs from the player’s own library as well as the game’s bundled collection. [Info from Wikipedia]

Original Press Release: Gaming and music combine like never before on your PSP in Traxion — where your tracks drive the action. Loaded with dozens of minigames and a variety of music from leading artists — and fully compatible with every music file on your memory stick — Traxion sucks you in as the music not only provides the soundtrack, but also changes the way the games are played! Imagine the rocking guitar chords of heavy metal, the strong beats of rap, the smooth tones of jazz, or even the crazy pace of polka — all impact gameplay in a different way. Traxion’s unique music analysis tool allows for your favorite tunes to drive the gameplay, resulting in a dazzling visual and sensory experience that is different every time you play. And because you control the music, infinite possibilities for personalized gameplay experiences exist. Change your tune and change your game when Traxion, developed by Kuju Entertainment, releases this fall.



Resident Evil 4 [Beta / Debug / Unused Stuff – GameCube & PS2]


Resident evil 4 is probably the console game with the most tormented development cycle of all time. Originally scheduled for Playstation 2 in 2001, the Capcom game had to wait four years and as many betas to take the final form. The first version, as it is well known, became Devil May Cry because the build was deemed too action-oriented to be part of the series. Nevertheless, the trappings of the Resident Evil saga were plentiful, from the fixed camera to the haunting environments.

Gamers were shocked by the announcement that Resident Evil 4 would be exclusively on the Gamecube. The first Gamecube beta was presented at TGS 2002, showing Leon in a strange metallic structure (later confirmed to be an Airship) fighting a bizarre fog creature. The few words spoken in the trailer were about the Cradle of the Progenitor Virus, and apparently the story centered on the assault of our heroes to Umbrella Europe. Moreover, Leon was probably infected and wielded odd supernatural powers.

The following year (2003) Resident Evil 4 was shown again. This version had different features and a new emphasis on the supernatural that seemed to bring the game closer to Silent Hill. In this new trailer, Leon (who still had some strange power) was inside a mansion infested with some strange presence, notably a strong creature with a hook. An extended video of this beta is featured on Biohazard 4 Secret DVD, where we can also see the Killers Armors still present in the final game on Ashley’s stage.

Although this last beta seemed to be the most promising and polished version yet, Capcom decided to start over again. The third beta, which according to the programmers featured zombies, was not even presented to the public. Finally, the Resident Evil 4 we are most familiar with was shown at E3 2004. The Resident Evil 4 Unseen Saga didn’t end there, though. After about a year of the Gamecube release, Resident Evil 4 was ported to the Playstation 2 with a few new locations.

Moreover, the trial version of the Gamecube version was hacked, revealing the names of many rooms of the various betas and really cool items like the Optical Camo and the Infrared Goggles. It seems that the programmers were still making changes to the game until the very end of development. Knowing Capcom, maybe even the setting of the last chapter of Umbrella Chronicles is lifted from the scrapped zombie version of Resident Evil 4.

Thanks to Robert Seddon for the contribution and to Jay for the english corrections!

In Formeragent‘s Youtube channel we can see an interesting video with beta comparisons.

In November 2009, Tyrant of discovered a pre-release version of Resident Evil 4. These are the main differences from the final game:

  • You can use the silencer on the hand gun and on the tmp
  • The merchant menu is very different
  • You can contact Hunningham, but there is no pic of her
  • You can play  only the first three levels
  • The screen “end of level xx” is different
  • Some voices from the enemies are different
  • Saddler’s voice is different
  • All documents are missing
  • If you pick up an item,the sound is different
  • the debug menu is fully unlocked


A pic of a woman found extracting the files inside the beta.  Probably just a placeholder.


Unused item

Also, Enrico Marini of the THIA forum found the beta polygonal model of Ashley and an interesting placeholder, Jill dressed with the Ada dress, in the retail version of Resident Evil 4 :



More info from DCodes7:

Resident evil 4 went through a long development cycle. Multiple prototypes were created; officially only two of those prototypes were shown to public. Resident evil 4’s development started in 1998 which involved taking a trip to Spain to study castle architecture. In December 1999 it was hinted that RE4 was in development, however the game wasn’t officially announced until 2001.

When resident evil 4 was shown to the public for the first time it was announced that the game was being developed by Capcom’s Studio 4 for the Nintendo GameCube as part of five game line up that was exclusively developed for the GameCube.

Build 1 – Fog Version

The first build that was shown to the public, nicknamed the fog version, shows Leon S. Kennedy infiltrating umbrella Europe while being chased by a fog creature. This build was shown at TGS (Tokyo Game Show) 2002. The trailer for this build hinted that Leon could have been possessed and infected by the progenitor virus. The story involved the origins of the progenitor virus – hence what is said in the trailer: “the cradle of the progenitor virus.”

EGM (Electronic Gaming monthly) interviewed director Hideki Kamiya; this interview revealed that there was a super natural ability locked inside Leon’s Left arm and a notion to an unrevealed female character! You can read the entire interview to the left of this paragraph.

In the end, after the first showing of this build, it was scrapped; because “it was too much of a departure from the resident evil series.” Eventually this build of the game evolved into what is known today as Devil May Cry.

In early 2006 it was discovered – in the debug menu on an early trial demo of resident evil 4 – that the large metal structure that is shown in the fog trailer was an airship. Only the names of the levels remained. To see all of the 3.5’s level names (Fog & Hook Man versions) click on the links below.

Build 2 – Hook Man

Later in 2002 resident evil 4 was revealed to the public once again at E3 2002, showing a completely different game from earlier that year at TGS. This build of the game Showcases Leon S. Kennedy in a mansion while being attacked by possessed suits of armor, possessed dolls, and killer hook man ghosts; this version of the game concentrated on the super natural and puzzle solving.

The following year in 2003, cube magazine published a six page article titled “Diary of a Mad Man.” This six page article puts build 2’s story months after the Raccoon City (Resident Evil 2) and Rockford island (code veronica) incidents. You can read all six pages of the article below this paragraph.

Thanks to the 5th survivor on the THIA forum for posting these articles!

In the end the Hook man version of Resident Evil 4 was scrapped because it was “too paranormal for the resident evil plot.” This build of Resident Evil 4 evolved into the game Haunting Ground. In 2005 a five minute game play video of build 2 was released with the biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4) Secret DVD.

Part 1 Conclusion:

Resident Evil 4 was scrapped, evolved, only to be scrapped again. Two prototypes evolved into two games and one of those games evolved into a franchise. Resident Evil 4’s development didn’t stop there; the game continued to evolve and change as it was being developed. Though Resident Evil 4 remained roughly the same – gameplay wise – the items, collectables, enemies, and the sounds of the guns were changed until the games release. In Part 2 of the analysis I will explain and point out changes that Resident evil 4 went through based on the trials and demo’s that promoted the game.

italian_flag.jpg [spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]Resident evil 4 è probabilmente il gioco per console con lo sviluppo più tormentato di tutti i tempi. Originariamente previsto per Playstation 2 nel 2001, il titolo Capcom ha dovuto attendere ben 4 anni e altrettante beta per assumere la forma definitiva. La prima versione è diventata come è noto Devil May Cry, poiché ritenuta troppo action per far parte della serie. Nonostante ciò, rimangono evidenti i debiti alla saga horror all’interno del gioco, dalle inquadrature alle ambientazioni.

Poi è la volta dell’annuncio shock di Resident evil 4 esclusiva gamecube, con la presentazione della nuova versione al TGS 2002, che vede Leon all’interno di una strana struttura alla prese con un bizzarro essere incorporeo. Le poche parole presenti all’interno del trailer parlano della culla del progenitor virus, e a quanto sembra la storia era incentrata nell’assalto dei nostri eroi ad umbrella europe.

L’anno successivo (2003) il titolo viene presentato nuovamente, ma stavolta evidenziando caratteristiche differenti, che sembravano avvicinare la saga a Silent hill, con una nuova enfasi sul soprannaturale e sull’horror psicologico. Di questa versione, di cui il trailer originale mostrava solamente Leon all’interno di una magione infestata da strane presenze, in particolare da un mostro dotato di uncino, esiste anche un filmato esteso all’interno del biohazard secret dvd.

Benché si trattava sicuramente la più curata e promettente delle beta, Capcom decide nuovamente di cambiare direzione nello sviluppo, ma il nuovo titolo, che a sentire i programmatori aveva di nuovo gli zombie, non viene neanche mostrato al pubblico. Finalmente, all’e3 del 2004 viene esibita la versione definitiva, o almeno cosi si credeva. Dopo circa un anno infatti Resident Evil 4 viene convertito per Playstation 2 con delle aree aggiuntive rispetto alle release gamecube. E sicuramente ancora diverso materiale del Resident Evil 4 Project è rimasto sconosciuto al pubblico. Lo vedremo in Resident evil Wii?[/spoiler]




Metal Gear Solid 2 [Beta – PS2]

Metal Gear Solid 2 [Beta – PS2]

“According to Hideo Kojima in the documentary Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1, the original plot of the game revolved around nuclear weapon inspections in Iraq and Iran and had Solid Snake trying to stop the Metal Gear while it was located on an aircraft carrier, in a certain time limit, while trying to stop Liquid Snake and his group. However about six months into the project the Middle East began to heat up again and they decided that they couldn’t make a game with such a plot. The tanker in the released game is based on this original beta plot.

Significant changes to the game’s ending were made late in development following the September 11 attacks in New York, where the finale occurs. A sequence depicting Arsenal Gear’s displacement of the Statue of Liberty and crashing through half of Manhattan was removed, as was a short coda to appear after the credits, a breaking newscast showing the Statue of Liberty’s new resting place, Ellis Island. At the point where Solidus dies, Raiden was supposed to have cut the rope on Federal Hall’s flagpole, causing an American flag to fall over Solidus’ body, and American flags which were supposed to be on all the flagpoles in New York were removed from the title.

Some pictures of Snake in an early prototype for MGS2, showed a Cell Shaded graphic. It originally was going to have a radically different art style, more on tune with the style of the concept art. This may have been from the proposed idea of the middle east storyline.” – wikipedia

Removed stuff: inondation into the tanker, the player must get away from the tanker, but Mr. kojima take off this idea because it was not funny to play. Chinaman, first design of Solidus snake and Vamp in woman version, were old concept art of character, later changed or removed. In another scene, Snake was attacked by the harrier in the city, on the big bridge, but this never happen in the final version (Raiden kills the harrier on the Plant). Probably this scene was cut because of the 9 / 11.

The model of the FAMAS not used in MGS2 was reused for MGS: The Twin Snakes for Nintendo Gamecube. Thanks to Grahamx227 for the contribution!

In 2006 Jesse Johnson & Marc Laidlaw from the community, shared and translated the original MGS2 Design Document that was written by Kojima / Konami as a guide to develope the final project. In this document (that you can download in here as a backup copy) there are a lot of interesting informations about removed scenes, unused gameplay elements and other stuff that was not revealed directly in the game. Here are some of the most interesting parts:

MGS2 was meant to be called Metal Gear Solid III: Instead of proceeding on to MGS2, as one might expect, we are making MGS3. The question in peoples’ minds, ‘Why is it 3 and not 2?’

In the previous game, only 4 to 5 enemies could be shown on-screen at a time. Now we will be able to display a maximum of around 300 enemies on-screen at a time.

We will create ways for the player to be able to control the brightness of their environment, making ‘light’ another strategy element that can be used in the game. All rooms have light switches that can be turned on and off. If you destroy a light, the area around it goes dark. If you equip the cigarette item while in the dark, it will emit a faint light

After an injured soldier has received treatment (lasting a set period of time) in a medical room, they will return to the game field. The area of the body where they were injured will be covered in a bandage texture. If you attack a medical facility, you can prevent this from happening again.

After Arsenal becomes active, the area with the hostages is cut loose. The bodies of the hostages (50 to 60) can be seen floating in the water, crimson from all the blood, and have attracted sharks. Raiden and Snake must proceed through the area.

A battle that takes place on Wall Street (at Federal Hall) – Snake versus Ocelot (controlled by Liquid’s right arm), and Raiden versus Solidus. Surrounding them are spectators and police officers, including mounted police.

It will be possible to deliver a type of attack with the hands while crouching or crawling whereby you grab an enemy’s legs and knock them over

In certain parts of the game, the game screen will be split up either horizontally or vertically, with one side of the screen showing a normal cut-scene. The other side will be the player’s game screen, so they will be able to continue playing while being able to see what is going on in the other screen. By doing this, we can display simultaneous sequences in real-time, showing what else is happening while a particular event is occurring. Split-screen scenes:  The bomb disposal scenes where Raiden, Snake and the bomb disposal consultant are all
working together.  Emma’s rescue (the sniping scene)

A type of hidden mode. By equipping an item called ‘Mantis’s Mask’, obtainable in the main game, you will be able to read peoples’ (enemies’) minds. [This was somehow used as an easter egg if you press the R1 or R2 button while Snake or Raiden is listening to someone,  you can hear their thoughts]

This will be a mode for split-screen two player battles in certain areas from the game. It will be compatible with system link-up as well. Players can either fight each other or play a hide-and-seek type game.

In addition, the player will be able to virtually explore the ocean floor through a remote-controlled minisub, and can also save pictures taken with its camera.

Member of Dead Cell. A soldier over 100 years old. A legendary hero from the Second World War, he taught Big Boss and the world’s mercenaries everything they know about combat. As a Nazi, he was feared as the ‘Old Boy’, or the ‘devil’. He fights with weapons and equipment used during the war, such as the Panzerfaust.

Removed Bosses: The President’s security team, the Great white sharks [probably used in the scene where the bodies of the hostages  floating in the water would had attract sharks]

The May 10th 2012, RushSnake and WhiteSnoop (two of the founders of Red Code Interactive‘s team) has found some interrestings stuff on Metal Gear Solid 2. A weapon named SPP1M on the trial version of Metal Gear Solid 2 has been discovered, along a lot of strange items and others weapons.

Thanks to Solidshake for some of these infos and images! Thanks to Jonathan and A.Kyanbel for the contribution!



You can see a demostration of all items and weapons found in this video