
Project Delta [PS3/X360 – Cancelled]

Project Delta is a cancelled FPS that was in development in 2005 by PlayLogic for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The game was announced when the “next gen consoles” were still not released, but it soon vanished without any official statement. It’s possible that Delta was originally in development for the PS2 and XBOX, with the code name “Project Snap”, another cancelled FPS that Playlogic was working on in 2004.

Project Delta’s gameplay was going to be more tactical than the usual first-person shooter: while shooting with our main character, we would had to command a team of soldiers and comfort or threaten them during the battles. The game was set in different time periods, as the story dealt with time travels from the future back to the dark ages.

Project Delta was cancelled for unknown reasons, but we can speculate that the team had some development or quality problems. Only few concept arts and models remain from the project, preserved in the gallery below.


Galaxy’s End [PSP – Cancelled]

Galaxy’s End is an unreleased science-fiction RTS developed by Tiki Games for the PSP. The game received Stage 1 Approval from SCEA but they did not found a publisher interested in releasing the project. With the introduction of the Playstation Store for the PSP, Galaxy’s End could be completed at some point. As we can read on Joystick:

“When we started Galaxy’s End we absolutely needed a publisher at some point – not just for the financial aspect but to get it into stores. Now that the PLAYSTATION Store has been added for the PSP we have the opportunity to finish the game and release it as a digital download (like NOVASTRIKE).”

“Quite frankly we don’t have the finances to finish Galaxy’s End right now. So we’ll likely have to look for another loan. And I’ll need to convince my family (who are presently self-funding Tiki Games) that there’s a large enough audience that would be willing to purchase a downloadable real-time strategy game for the PSP.”

In the gallery below you can see work-in-progress screenshots and a gameplay movie. If you are interested in learning more about Tiki Games, the team members and Galaxy’s End, you can check their website at




Super Ninja Goku [PSX – Cancelled]

Super Ninja Goku is a 2D side-scrolling platform / action game, based on the ancient chinese legend of Saiyuki, that was in development (or to be published?) by Santos for the original Playstation. The studio released only 2 shoot ’em up and a puzzle game for the PSX, Super Ninja Goku seems to have been canned for unknown reasons. In 1997 Santos had to close down.

The game was later published by Aicom 2 as “Fuuun Gokuu Ninden

Thanks to Celine for the contribution! Scan from GameFan 4-4



Dreamers [Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC – Cancelled]

Dreamers is a action adventure game that was in development by Dreamgazers Interactive, for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. The project was announced as in development for “next gen consoles” in 2004, but as of today (2010), Dreamers remains unreleased and probably it will never be published. In 2008 PSU had an interview with Dreamgazers President and Creative Director George Georgeadis, asking for more info about their game:

“Haha, yes we are still alive,” said Georgeadis. “However many changes have occurred regarding the company and project, changes that I am unfortunately not in a position to disclose.”

Sadly the latest entry in Dreamgazers’ Blog is from 2007 and even if their website and Dreamers’ official website are still online, the lack of news make us to assume that the team was disbanded and their game cancelled, probably because they never found a publisher.

Some more info on Dreamer’s story can be read in the official website:

Dreamers is a game about a young man in his 20’s, Jorge, who suffers from a bizarre form of narcolepsy. Characterized by sudden and uncontrollable attacks of deep sleep, narcolepsy is a disorder that is also sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations

Players would had to explore Jorge’s dreams and nightmares to heal him from his problems and find more about his past. It’s currently unknown how much of the game was completed before the development was stopped.


Star Trek: Tactical Assault [Beta – PSP]

The only Star Trek game on the PSP, Star Trek Tactical Assault featured two mission campaigns based around the original Star Trek films era. However, there were a number of elements left out of the main game, but which remain accessible.

The first is a debug mode, where the player can select any ship on a particular level to play. It also includes a camera function to look at ships from different angles. Debug information such as FPS could also be seen.

The E3 demo is hidden in the game’s content and can be accessed through CWCheat codes. It is very similar to the first mission in the game.

There are two other unused missions (one Federation, one Klingon), as well as a “combat test”. This seems to be a Skirmish mode mission with a set number of ships.

The game has a number of unused models, which seem to be from the original TV show rather than the films. The main one is a planet killer from The Doomsday Machine. It is not to scale, though.

There are two shuttle models (albeit without textures), one from the original show and one from the first film. The models can be flown like any other ship in the game, although the animation is jittery at times.

There is more information at Edward Kirk‘s website: