Playstation 2 (PS2)

Zone of the Enders 2 (ZOE 2) [PS2 – Beta / Concepts]

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner is an action game with mechs that was developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation 2 in 2003. Most mecha were designed by Yoji Shinkawa, the character and mechanical designer for the Metal Gear Solid series, with the exception of Lloyd and Inhert who were designed by Kazuma Kaneko of Megami Tensei fame.

From the official Konami website we can read a series of interviews with ZOE 2’s developers and artists, in which to see early designs of the mechs (some of wich were designed by Shinkawa in his school days).

Please let us know if there were any obstacles you had to overcome when working on the animation look.

Shinkawa : What was tough was deciding in the very first days of planning in which direction we would like to proceed. Initially the models had clearer outlines and looked more 2D. The modellers came up with many test models and then we boiled them down.

Unique charasterics of the Orbital Frames are the flowing lines and the silhouette along the legs. How did you come up with these ideas?

Shinkawa : As for the silhouette, I looked over sketches I did as a student, and we were like “Why not go with this!” The energy lines were expressions of shadows used in those sketches. Then Mr. Kobayashi (modeller) and I chatted as said “Let’s make these into grooves!”, “Let’s make them glow!” When we incorporated this in the game, we made the energy lines change color to indicate how much damage you have incurred. It comes down to coming up with logical explanations to make everything work and enjoyable.

I would like to ask you things about “Anubis”.

Shinkawa : As I said last time, it is basically the sketch I did in my school days.

If we look at your old sketched, Anubis hasn’t really changed much.

Shinkawa : It did not have wings, but it always had its spear. (bozzetto)

I guess Anubis was evil since your school days. It now has a really intimidating face.

Shinkawa : The face was not intended to look like this. In my school days, it was a simple dog face. The face on the bottom (energy line face) was actually a bug of the texture screwed up when I viewed an early model of Jehuty. That screwed up texture face is what you see on the bottom. We were like, “Hey, this bug…looks cool!” (laughs)

This is the new Orbital Frame “Ardjet” whose motif is “Geisha”. Why “Geisha”?

Shinkawa : In the rough sketches for the previous gamewas a coffin-shape mech. Director Shuyo Murata wanted to include this in this game. And he wanted the heroine of the game to pilot it. The original sketch I did really looked like a coffin with a skinny fellow like a zombie or mummy inside. It just wasn’t a mech for the heroine. I tried to modify it and turn it into a girly mech. But then I didn’t want to turn it into something too girly. After some trial and error, I ended up with this design that looks somewhat like a Geisha. Its hairstyle and long cape — I hope this looks like a Kimono.

Thanks to John Doom for the contribution!


Sonic Heroes [GC PS2 XBOX – Beta / Unfinished stuff]

Sonic Heroes is a platform game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, developed by Sonic Team USA and released in 2003 for the GameCube, Playstation 2 and Xbox.  Kieranmay linked us to many beta videos from the game, as you can see below! Many cutscenes were still unfinished and the songs were changed for the final version.

Also, as we can read at Sonic Retro, various Sonic Heroes betas were leaked online:

  • Sonic Heroes (GameCube prototype 10.8)
  • Sonic Heroes (GameCube prototype 11.18)
  • Sonic Heroes (MKDD Bonus Disc Demo)
  • Sonic Heroes (Xbox E3 version)

Thanks to Jason for the english corrections!


prototype of the early song “what I’m made of”

final version of what I’m made of


Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) [PS2 XBOX PC – Beta]

Fahrenheit (aka Indigo Prophecy in the US), is an adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and released for the Playstation 2, Xbox and PC in September 2005. The game evolved a lot during its development and from the early screens we notice various beta differences. The character models, some scenes and locations were changed in the final version. If you have finished the game and notice more specific differences in the gallery below, please let us know!

Thanks to Megalol and Anonymous for the contribution! More info on the game can be found at Omikron Game Blog

More beta differences were noticed by John Doom:

image 4: Tyler isn’t wearing a cap
image 5: armchairs aren’t zebrine in the retail
image 6: Lukas meets Markus in the square’s center in the retail.
image 7: Lukas and the local are different
image 9: the victim is different
image11: Markus seems… darker? o.o He has a slightly different look.
image13: the local insists with a palette of red, green and yellow rather than in the retial
image19: Tyler wears a slightly different cap in the retail.
image23: the policeman wears a different uniform
image24: the tap is out of order but there’s no sign in the retail.
image26: the bathroom has a different paint and there is also a glass in the retail
image27: it is the concept of Jeffrey.
image28: Lukas
image29: Probably Kate or Carla, but she is different from both
image32: he’s probably an early model of the victim
image35: she should be Kate because i remember that she dressed that blue dress
image36: it seems that Bogart is missing (or he could be hidden behind a bin and he’s impossible to see from this angle)

Thanks to Jason for the english corrections!




Lady Sia 3D [GC PS2 – Prototype]

Lady Sia 3D is a prototype for an action adventure game that was in development by RFX Interactive in 2002 / 2003, for the GameCube and Playstation 2. The game was meant to be a tridimensional sequel to the original Lady Sia, created by RFX and published in 2001 by TDK Mediactive for the GameBoy Advance.

This Lady Sia 3D prototype never evolved into a full game and it’s possible that the team found it too difficult to translate the fun gameplay of the original GBA version into a 3D world (before this proto they only worked on 2D games for the GBC and GBA). In 2003 RFX closed and TDK Mediactive was acquired by Take-Two Interactive.

Thanks to Holly for the contribution! Thanks to Jason for the english corrections!


Cold Winter [PS2 – Beta]

Cold Winter is a FPS developed by Swordfish Studios and published by Vivendi Universal Games in 2005 for the Playstation 2. The game uses the Karma physics engine, allowing for interactivity with items in the game world and for ragdoll effects. Using a small inventory menu, some weapons and tools can be constructed, such as Molotov cocktails and lock picks. Originally the item creation system was more complex, but they had to scale it down for time and development issues. A previously announced Xbox version was later cancelled. [Info from Wikipedia]

Destructor1890 noticed some differences in the early 2003  screenshots:

  • Kim’s 3D model was changed
  • Andrew’s 3D model was changed
  • The HUD was different
  • Some scenes were not used in the final game

Thanks to Jason for the english corrections!
