Playstation 3 (PS3)

Urban Smash (MotorStorm Apocalypse) [PS3 – Proto / Beta]

Developed by Evolution Studios for the Playstation 3, Urban Smash was going to be an original IP driving game set in real-life locations, but was put on hold during development of MotorStorm Pacific Rift. As revealed during a developer session at the Eurogamer Expo 2010 however, the project later evolved into MotorStorm Apocalypse and a prototype video that was shown during the presentation can be found below. You can read a preview of Apocalypse with more info about the final game at Gamer Limit.

Thanks to Martin Bigg for the contribution!


Ætherion [PS3 – Cancelled]

Ætherion (Aetherion) is a cancelled adventure game that was in development by Qube Software in 2005 / 2006 for the Playstation 3. The studio worked on  Ætherion’s concept and created an early prototype that was pre-approved by Sony, but in the end the project was never finished. As the main focus of Qube has always been the development of 3D software for 3D middleware and not games,  they probably found some problems during the development and Ætherion was soon cancelled. Only few artworks and some 3D models are archived in the gallery below, to preserve its existence.

Thanks to Sewia for the contribution!


Call of Duty: Devil’s Brigade [X360 PS3 – Cancelled]

Call of Duty: Devil’s Brigade is a cancelled FPS that was in development by Underground Development (aka Z-Axis) from 2007 to 2009, for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Activision closed the studio on February 11th, 2010. It’s possible that Call of Duty: Devil’s Brigade was cancelled to shift resources to Guitar Hero: Van Halen, that could have been a more profitable project for them. This game in the Call of Duty series would have been set in Italy during World War 2. This was meant to be CoD4 before it was cancelled.

Thanks to Hey Hey for the contribution! Some info from Kotaku and for a deeper article on this lost game, check The Verge!




Deep Rift [PS3 – Prototype]

Deep Rift was a prototype for an action adventure based in a flooded city, that was in development by Union Entertainment. Due to a lack of publishers’ interest, it seems that Union’s PlayStation 3 title did not go into full production. It’s currently unknown if this could have been related to their new Zero G project, a game that should be adapted as a film soon.

20th Century Fox has picked up the rights to Union Entertainment’s sci-fi thriller video game concept “Zero-G” says The Hollywood Reporter. The game, which is still in production and created by Daniel Jevons, revolves around a major U.S. city being attacked by a devastating, never-before-seen weapon.

Another game concept, titled Backlight,  should also be in development at Union (as reported by Variety) but it looks much different from Deep Rift.

Thanks to Mox for the contribution!
