Playstation 3 (PS3)

Star Wars Battlefront IV (4) [X360/PS3 – Concept]

When LucasArts terminated their contract with Free Radical Design (nowadays known as Crytek UK), the studio was not only working on Star Wars Battlefront III and Time Splitters 4. Instead, the company started the pre-production of another Star Wars Battlefront game.

As the status of Star Wars Battlefront III (Free Radical version) is currently unknown, we do not expect any news about a fourth SW Battlefront game in the near future.

Thanks to Hey Hey.


Faith and a .45 [Cancelled – Xbox 360, PS3]

Faith and a .45 is a cancelled action game that was in development by Deadline Games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The story would have follow a couple named Luke and Ruby, two outlaws during the Great Depression. This idea evolved from a tech demo about a “Bonnie & Clyde” couple, inspired from the real-life couple of outlaws, robbers and criminals who, with their gang, travelled the Central United States during the 1930s.

The game was going to follow their lovely escape (Deadline called Faith and a .45 a “gritty, emotional shooter”) and the gameplay should have been similar to a cover-based third-person shooter (as Gears of War or Army of Two) in particular with the dual-character dynamic, with online and offline co-op. [Info from Wikipedia]

Sadly they were not able to find a publisher interested in the project and on May 2009, Deadline Games filed for bankruptcy. Faith and a .45 vanished forever with the closure of the studio.

As noted by NeXuSDK on the NeoGAF forum, Deadline Games had a lot of troubles selling the game concept to publishers:

Initially, Faith and a .45 was set in a post-apocalyptic setting ala Fallout, which publishers didn’t see value… now look at Fallout. Then they changed the theme to something Bonnie & Clyde inspired, set in the era of the great depression and still developers could not see the potential.

Thanks to Robert Seddon for the contribution!

Thanks a lot to Jonas Springborg, Jan Ditlev and Adam Rishede for the help in preserving their artworks created for this project! Some more images are from  Carsten Brandt’s website. All images are copyrighted Deadline Games.



Søren Lundgaard is the Game Consultant at DADIU. Before this he worked at Deadline Games for 10 years, first as a Lead Programmer, later as a Game Director.


Original Idea
Kristine Ploug
Søren Lundgaard

Helle Pagter

Visual Concept Helle Pagter
Felicia Bang

Production Design
Felicia Bang
Tine Lylloff Madsen

Multiple Camera Direction
Sun Hee Engelstoft

Signe Tora Munk Bencke
Sine Vadstrup Brooker
Martin Køhler Jørgensen

Torben Borup-Madsen

Linda Nielsen-Mann
Helle Pagter

Sune Kaarsberg

Set Construction
Ninna Stengade

Technical Support
Schack Lindemann
Peter Posgaard
Lars Holstener

Logo animation
Dennis Nielsen

All images courtesy of Aptocore Aps

Thank you
The National Film School of Denmark
The Computer Game Zone


Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

In 2005, LucasArts announced a new Indiana Jones game for next-generation consoles. Originally scheduled for a release in 2007, the game saw constant delays as a result of internal struggles. Due to severe quality issues, it was decided to cancel the project in early 2009. Only externally developed versions for Wii, PS2, DS and PSP saw a release.

When first shown, LucasArts highlighted Indiana Jones as their first game on Xbox 360 and PS3 – with a story written by George Lucas himself. Set in 1939, the player was going to  

Rebelstar – Psionic Rebellion [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

In 2007 NamcoBandai asked Kuju Entertainment to work on a successor of their GBA game Rebelstar, for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. The game was set in the near future and was about an Alien army attacking Earth. The game was cancelled when NamcoBandai decided to allocate their resources to other projects.



Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [X360/PS3/PC – Beta]

From the early version of the game to the final release, there was not much difference. Some were minor differences such as a cut weapon like the AT4 or more noticeable ones being an original look for the Ultranationalist enemies. In the first trailer for the game, Imran Zakhaev was seen with both his arms in the Coup level. In the final game you would have actually shot one of his arms off.

As Earthwormjim amd SezZ have make us to notice, there are some deleted single player missions still left in the game code:

  • Cobra Pilot
  • Descent
  • Designated Marksman
  • Designated Training
  • Helicopter Ride
  • Immediate Action
  • Parabolic
  • That’s No Sandstorm
  • Training

You can read more about these a the Call of Duty Wikia!
