
Spiderman (2000) [Beta – PSX / N64]

As we can read on Wikipedia, Spider-Man is an action game based upon the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It is loosely based on the 1990s Spider-Man and Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon series. The game was developed by Neversoft and published by Activision for the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 in 2000.  In the videos below we can see some beta differences, as the Web Counter (different textures), some beta levels were bigger than the final, some  monsters looks different and they were in other areas than the final ones.

Thanks to solidsnake11 for the contribution and Megaroxas12 for the videos!



Zulu [PSX – Cancelled]

Zulu is a cancelled action game that was in development in 1997 by Studio E for the Playstation. There are basically no info about this project, apart from a single screenshot found in an old magazine and the trademark document for its name.

Studio E was working on different titles, but only VMX Racing was released. They also worked on Shadowhawk for the SNES and Pariah for the Playstation.

If you know someome that worked at Studio E in 1997 and could have some more info about Zulu, please let us know!



Pariah [PSX – Cancelled]

Pariah is a cancelled action game that was in development in 1997 by Studio E for the original Playstation. There are not many info about Pariah, apart from a small image in an old magazine and a printed advert. Studio E was working on different titles, but only VMX Racing was released. They also worked on Shadowhawk for the SNES and Zulu for the Playstation.

If you know someone that worked on this game, please let us know!


Seal Squad 2040 [PSX – Cancelled]

Seal Squad 2040 is a cancelled racing / combat game that was in development in 1998 by Head Games for the Playstation. In an old preview in GamePro magazine issue 101, the project was described as “Wave Race with guns”, but sadly there are only few artworks and no screeenshots, so it’s possible that it was canned in early development. Check the gallery below for more info!

Thanks to Celine for the scans!


King’s Field / Crystal Dragon (Japan Version) [Beta – PSX]

King’s Field is a dungeon crawler created by From Software and released in 1994 for Playstation. It was never published in the West.

From this early screenshot, taken from Edge issue 11, we can see that originally the game was called Crystal Dragon:

crystal dragon king's field beta

Another beta pic, shown below, probably taken from a more advanced build, was published in a issue of Console Mania, an italian magazine.

king's field betaIf you have any more info about this game, please let us know!