
Tomorrow Never Dies [Beta – Playstation]

Tomorrow Never Dies was developed by Black Ops and then published in 1999 by Electronic Arts. On release, it was immediately compared to Goldeneye on the N64. One of the main criticisms was the lack of multiplayer, with only 10 single player missions making up the game. Yet, in the game’s content, there is an image of the beta multiplayer loading screen, so there were plans for it at some point, but abandoned before release.



One of the loading screens also shows a level set on the HMS Devonshire, which was in the movie but cut from the game.

There is speculation that other unused beta content may have survived from an earlier, cancelled game called Tomorrow Never Dies: The Mission Continues:

The original VHS release of Tomorrow Never Dies featured a brief trailer with Desmond Llewelyn which highlighted a game that would “start where the film ends.” Footage shows bond skiing, scuba diving and driving in third person and on a first person shooting mission. The game was to come out on Playstation and PC in the fall of 1998 and was being made by MGM Interactive, not EA; EA was not involved in Bond until November of that year.

A Tomorrow Never Dies game was finally released on November 16th 1999, distributed by EA, but with notably differences from the 1998 attempt. The game was a third person shooter with the scuba diving level nowhere to be found. But perhaps the most glaring difference was the fact that the story now followed the plot of the film, not the continuation that had been promised.

A level in the game sees Bond skiing down a mountain and killing a Japanese terrorist named Sotoshi Isagura (who had featured very briefly in the film), while on another stage Bond has a driving mission in Switzerland. These were not from the film and may have survived from the ‘continuation’ story.

Article by Edward Kirk, source: Wikipedia 

Warspirits [N64 PSX – Cancelled]

Warspirits is a cancelled action game that was in development by Candle Light Studios for the Playstation and Nintendo 64. There are basically no official info about this project and sadly only few screenshots are archived in the gallery below, to preserve its existence. We can speculate that the game was cancelled because they were not able to find a publisher interested in it. If you have more info on this game, please let us know!

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!



TwinBee Miracle [PSX – Cancelled]

TwinBee Miracle is a cancelled RPG that was in development for the original Playstation. TwinBee Miracle was supposed to be the first “next-gen” iteration of the well-known, at least in Japan, Konami shoot’em up series. Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the game apart that is was a 2d turn-based jrpg and that it was scheduled to be released on Psx in 1996 for the 10th year anniversary of TwinBee. A TwinBee RPG got out in japan in 1998, but it was a completely different game.

A video of Twinbee Miracle appeared in a 1995 V-jump tape and Arron was able to get a copy of it and to upload the footage on Youtube!

Thanks to Defunct Games for a bigger scan of  the”Nov 1995 Die Hard Game Fan” magazine and to Youloute for “Consoles+ 49 – December 1995” magazine scan!




Powerslave 2 (Exhumed 2) [Cancelled – Playstation, PC]

Powerslave 2 (AKA Exhumed 2) is a cancelled game that was in  development for playstation and PC, set in ancient Egypt, thousands of years before the original title. At the start of  Powerslave 2, Ra ( the sun god)  disappears causing a permanent solar eclipse on the land. It turns out that he has been abducted by one of his arch-rivals, and its your duty to rescue him and return light to the world. As a young egyptian warrior you must seek out various egyptian gods and attempt to gain their super natural powers, in order to ultimately challenge and defeat Ra’s rival.

Contrary to the first Powerslave (a FPS) the sequel was meant to be a third person action game, even less linear than the first episode. Developed by original creator Lobotomy Software, the game was probably cancelled when the studios was acquired by Crave Entertainment in early 1998.

Images from GameFan 5-10
