
Silent Chaos (Dark Earth 2) [Playstation – Cancelled]

Silent Chaos is a cancelled action adventure that was in development by Kalisto Entertainment from 1997 to 1999. The game was going to be published on the  Playstation by Squaresoft, but originally the project started as a sequel of Dark Earth, an action adventure created by the same team and released only on PC. After few months of work on Dark Earth 2, Kalisto stopped the development for the PC, but it seems that Squaresoft was interested in the game and they changed DE2 into a new IP for the PSX.

The character designs that were initially created at Kalisto were redone again by Tetsuya Nomura, one of the main character designers at Square, famous for his works on Final Fantasy 7, Parasite Eve, The Bouncer and many more. Sadly, after a couple of years of development, Silent Chaos was canned, probably because of the shift of development on the soon to be released Playstation 2. A new Dark Earth 2 project was later proposed for the PS2, but nothing came from it. Kalisto Entertainment declared bankruptcy in 2002: Dark Earth 2 / Silent Chaos vanished forever with the studio and only few CG models and backgrounds remain.

Thanks and credits to Gwen Heliou and Pierre-Mony for the contributions!

Video from CanOfTheRelics YT Channel!




RazorWing [PSX – Cancelled]

As we can read in the official N-Space Company Bio, RazorWing is a cancelled action game / flying shooter that was in development for the original PlayStation in 1995 and it was going to be published by SCEA. This was n-Space’s initial project and a “1st playable” was shown in Sony’s booth at E3 95 to favorable previews, although the project was later terminated three months short of completion. RaxorWing featured technologies that are being hailed as innovations today. These included high-res mode, streaming gaming areas from CD, and writing directly to the PlayStation graphics chips. Probably the game was cancelled because it was too similar to Warhawk, another flying shooter published by Sony the same year.

Not much remains from the project, but Celine was able to find some screens published in Game Pro #71

Thanks a lot to Celine for the contribution! In July 2017 a playable prototype of the game was found by users of Assembler Games, you can see a video below!



WWF SmackDown! [PSX – Beta]

WWF SmackDown! is a professional wrestling game released on the original Playstation by THQ and developed by YUKE’s Future Media Creators in 2000. Lionheart was able to play a beta version of the game, with some  interesting differences:

  • Start screen is different, different background plus it has “Jan 06 2000” in the top left-corner
  • Debug text is visible during fights
  • No interactivity at all backstage
  • In the final game flames would be coming from the cooker when you whip characters into it, but nothing happens with anything backstage in this version
  • Tables, toilet seats, caskets, steel steps, Handcuff’s and trolleys / shopping carts can be used as weapons. They arent anywhere to be seen in the final game
  • Season seems to be very unfinished (random crashes, storyline text not making any sense) also shows writing with random superstars names with 255 by their name, pressing “R1” or “L1” changes these superstars, “O” views a list of wrestlers in the game.
  • On the screen before you see who your fighting in season pressing sqaure on pad 1, plays a storyline (usually wierd things like 2 of the same wrestler speaking to each other)
  • Pressing start on Pad 2 lets you move the camera around freely during a storyline using the second controller, Pressing Triangle on Pad1 restarts the scene
  • Pressing start on pad 2 during menu screens lets you move the menu screen itself
  • The one handed weapons dont do any damage unless thrown, and the thrown animation is abit glitchy the weapon leaves there hand after the animation has finished
  • “Two groups of two people” mode?
  • A few other small things like Chyna’s skin tone is alot darker in this one, ill try and take a few pics later if anyones interested

For more info you can check his post in the U64 Forum.

Thanks a lot to Lionheart for the contribution!


Driver 2 [PSX – Beta]

Driver 2 was developed by Reflections Interactive and published by Infogrames for the original Playstation in November 2000. Some beta screens were released in May 2000 and as Vicente has made us to notice, there are some little differences in there: the car shown in the early images is similar to the president’s one seen in Driver 1’s last mission but that model is not in the final D2 game. Also, the car is in an unkwnon area in the Rio De Janeiro city. In the video from Driver2Vegas Youtube Channel, we can notice some other removed cars (the Trans Am) without tinted windows, longer drawing distance,the Chicago landscape with skyscrapers looks slightly different, early HUD and gates on the bridge.

Thanks to Vicente and Gamersin for the contribution!




Driver [PSX – Beta]

Driver is a 1999 action / driving game developed by Reflections Interactive (now known as Ubisoft Reflections). In the screens and video below, you can notice an early version of the game, with various differences: in the beta the Miami city main car was yellow with a black stripe (a kind of vehicle that is only used in Driver 2), an early pause / debug menu and the car resists to more damages than in the final version.

The HUD wasn´t complete and the map color is green instead of red. Some cars seen in the beta Newcastle city were not used in the Playstation version, but they can still be “unlocked” with gameshark / AR codes. The PC version of Driver could be considered as a director´s cut since the city and the unused cars can be normally unlocked in the game.

Super Slav has made us to notice that in the beta demo you coud drive your car into the water as there are no barriers to stop you in some parts of Miami area. Also some of the boats do not have textures. Hacking the demo to have unlimited time and damage, it’s possible to roam the beta map and to found some interesting stuff! (Check the third video below) Only half of the Miami map is avalable, peds can walk on water, and the boats are not solid. The water has no effect on the civilian cars (they can drive on it like the they drive on roads), the water only affects your car. Also, the map was a bit different in the beta demo.

Also, the original beta featured screenshots and videos of a yellow Buick GSX, but this car did not feature in the final game. It was, however, included as a bonus car in Driver 2.

Thanks to Vicente, MartinGamersin and Super Slav for the contributions!

