
Final Fantasy 8 [PSX – Unused Scenes]

In the Youtube channel of FF8demo there are a couple of videos that show unused scenes from FF8. In the descriptions we can read that: “Some stuff was never used in the final version of the game. This was taken from the “Final Fantasy VIII Preview Disc” that came with FF7.”

Some of the differences that we can find in these videos are:

  • Rinoa in the Dollet mission
  • music which isn’t in the final game
  • the first part on the sea, is different from the final introducion (they had yet to implement the various sentences)
  • during the Dollet mission, Squall, Zell, and (in the final version) Selphie wear their school uniforms, not their casual uniforms
  • even the FMV in the second one had to be redone to change the outfits and take out Rinoa.
  • Leviathan isn’t avalible at that point.
  • the person who shoots the oncoming robot is different
  • It’s not Selphie who acts as messenger

Thanks a lot to Robert Seddon and JargonJohn for these infos!



Grandia [Beta – Saturn / Playstation]


In the archive of Vast Lands of Grandia we can see some screenshots from a beta build of Grandia, which shows some changes from the final version. At this point the story was probably not finished yet, because there were some scenes not present in the released version, like Justin that falls from a rock in the volcano, a tank used against our heroes, Java absent from the cart in the mines and a mysterious rock that resembles a turtle. Other interesting details are the beta battle hud and the unusually high point of view of a city (New Parm?).

For more informations check the VLoG beta page! Huge props to them :)



Rayman 2: The Great Escape [Beta]


The_IT_08 has wrote a topic in our forum with some beta-screens and a video from Rayman 2 that shows a series of differences. As he says: “Alright in the first picture  there is a level called The Minhir Hills, it is a beta version of it, and this takes place in the second section of this level I think (because the walking shell’s starting point which is now the doghouse is close to the thorn pit). The differences are that there wasn’t a giant orange mushroom in there and the place where the walking shell comes from was not a doghouse. And there was a purple