In the Youtube channel of FF8demo there are a couple of videos that show unused scenes from FF8. In the descriptions we can read that: “Some stuff was never used in the final version of the game. This was taken from the “Final Fantasy VIII Preview Disc” that came with FF7.”
Some of the differences that we can find in these videos are:
- Rinoa in the Dollet mission
- music which isn’t in the final game
- the first part on the sea, is different from the final introducion (they had yet to implement the various sentences)
- during the Dollet mission, Squall, Zell, and (in the final version) Selphie wear their school uniforms, not their casual uniforms
- even the FMV in the second one had to be redone to change the outfits and take out Rinoa.
- Leviathan isn’t avalible at that point.
- the person who shoots the oncoming robot is different
- It’s not Selphie who acts as messenger
Thanks a lot to Robert Seddon and JargonJohn for these infos!